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"hey, sunghoon. feeling any better?"

if sunghoon was bothered by the fact that it were riki asking that question and not jungwon, he definitely didn't show it — he simply sat down and nodded wordlessly, flashing a small and most definitely artificial smile towards the oreo-haired boy.

if he were bothered that riki knew in the first place, he didn't show that either.

"just peachy." he replied after a few seconds of silence. he then exhaled and turned to his backpack, reaching inside of it for the disappointment of a lunch that he'd packed earlier that day. "where's jungwon?" he successfully asked about jungwon's whereabouts without accidentally — and humiliatingly — calling him an unnecessary honorific.

"wow, that's extremely convincing." riki deadpanned, referring to the statement sunghoon had made prior to his query. "anyway, he's probably getting lunch or hitting on some random girl for shits and giggles. why?"

"because he's the reason I am feeling just peachy on this sunny tuesday morning." sunghoon sassed back. in retrospect, riki didn't do anything to him. hell, even jungwon didn't do anything to him! unfortunately, he was too salty to realize that, causing him to bash anything and anyone that got in his way.

riki only gave him a face that screamed 'damn, bitch!' and lowered his head to look at his phone. he was playing subway surfers, and based on sunghoon's adequate knowledge on the mobile game, he was sure that the player needed to be able to see to actually play it, so he didn't mind. he didn't feel like conversating all too much on that particular day either, so that added to his reasoning.

speak of the devil, jungwon—

"hey, sunghoon." someone slid right into the vacant seat next to sunghoon's, scaring the life out of him. sunghoon fearfully turned to see who it was, hoping that it was and that it wasn't yang jungwon at the same time.

"why does everyone always say 'hey, sunghoon'? we need to be more creative." riki, bless him, decided to speak up so sunghoon wouldn't have to — if those were his intentions in the first place. sunghoon partially agreed with his statement; he was just glad that people greeted him at all these days.

"does it matter?" jungwon hissed playfully, making a face at riki's random complaint. he then brought his attention back to sunghoon who sullenly snacked on his gogurt tube. as he did so, he heard a cacophony of whispers rising from both riki and jungwon, and that caught his interest.

he peaked up to look at what they were talking about, but was disappointed to see that they had coincidentally ended their interaction the second his eyes landed on the duo.

"need something?" jungwon turned to look at sunghoon once he'd realized that his focus still lingered on the two. riki scoffed at his attitude and slapped the others shoulder from across the table.

"drop the attitude!" he whisper-yelled at jungwon, a grimace on his face. he knew jungwon was going through his whole 'badass revenge' phase, but that didn't mean that he could just cut off honorifics and basic manners.

"why should I?" jungwon sassed back, squinting his eyes to look even more petty than he already was.

"he's still older than you," riki tried reasoning with the other, "you have to be at least somewhat respectful and aware of his boundaries."

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