35 { whispers of wind}

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Vanessa tightly embraced her daughter, moisture in her eyes was evident but she maintained her expressions very well. She was experienced in hiding her emotions. In all these years, she never let us see the sorrow that was hiding deep within her which disappears today.

Vanessa decided to organise a grand dinner tonight to celebrate her return. Everyone looked quite excited as they quickly retired to make perfect arrangements leaving me alone with her. I suppress the urge to smile thinking how her mare presence lightens up my life. No wonder why Ryan fell in love with her, I cannot blame him for that.

She took a step backwards and turned to me and gave me a light smile. I took her hands in mine and asked " There's something I want to show you before the dinner. Would you spare me some of your precious time?"

"Ahm..Of course. " at her cheerful answer, my heart swells looking at her. How beautiful she is! I led the way and she walked beside me. A wave of warmth and serenity flows through the veins of my soul feeling her beside me. I would have done anything for her if needed. I will still do anything for her if time demands.

We stopped before the giant door and let footmen open it for us. I glanced at her, she was looking around observing the palace. At the sound of the door opening, she returned her focus. " This way." I wave ahead me. She blinked a few times, astonished by the view in front of her. Her dream.

She walked ahead, I watched her. The graceful aura she carries with her spreads a different kind of serenity. She never once looked away from the throne, it was mesmerising. The throne not only offers power but it has something captivating that has allured her towards it.

"This is the throne you will be ruling, Emara. The dream of your childhood to be a queen, not an ordinary but the most fierce one. " I approached her.

"This...is quite intimidating. I cannot--"

" Do not say that. It might be new for you, the palace, the people and all the things but you can always learn from your mother. I and everyone will always be there for you at every step you need. You are the queen that is capable of ruling the world, do not underestimate your capabilities. "

"I- I think you are right. This is too early to worry about things that didn't happen and I don't doubt my capabilities," she said curtly.

"Good. Because you are yet to discover how much capable you are! " I paused. I led her to all the places of the palace that had held our memories for years. Her nursery where she stayed when toddler, the secret passage to the west door of the palace she used to escape when she played hide and seek and other things.

I still have my doubts that she didn't truly mean her words but I understand that this is new for her. It will take time for her to get used to us, and this palace. After our little tour, she asked me if she could have a phone. She misses her foster parents, I couldn't refuse her request and promised she would be provided one by the end of the dinner.

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