Chapter 9

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                                   Chapter 9

                        An All Woman's Crew


We arrive at the second dock, I'm not sure why we even got off the boat. Towers of smoke rise high in the air, black in color. It was obvious from afar the place was doomed. I didn't want to go further from the dock, but was desperate enough to feel solid ground. I watched the Vikings leave to evaluate the village. Harald stood still on the boat, I couldn't watch him for long because the rocking made me queasy.

"So strange, to see two docks right after the other completely destroyed", Harald's voice was low, but my ears were able to pick up his words over the waves.

"What does this mean for us Harald?"

"We're not going to survive if they can't find food here. Our water is down to droplets", he sighs heavily not even bothering to look in my direction," we'll dehydrate and starve before the next dock"

"So what do we do", I persuade the topic," surely we can't just do nothing"

"We'll have to decide together", Harold shrugs, finally meeting my eyes," hopefully they'll bring good news back"

Finally after some time the Vikings slowly come into view, at different times. I was happy to see two were lugging a barrel, similar to the one that held our current water supply, the other two were carrying baskets of various colors. I don't recall ever being so excited about seeing fruit and water. It was a mundane thing back at Starkport. I never had to worry about starving, being dehydrated, or the pains that followed both. This was a first to me.

Erik is the first to arrive to the boat and to speak," another pirate raid. Not looking good there, however they still had some supplies further in. It appears worse than it truly is, which is good", Erik heaves a basket up to Harald, whom catches it swiftly," obviously they found what they were looking for rather quick. Now let's go, we have plenty of supply to get us to the next dock"

I allow Erik to help lift me over the side of the boat with ease, landing on my feet  I continue to watch over the Vikings as they board the swaying boat. Arne and Rune come up with the large barrel and with a grunt they heave it to the lip of the wall, where Harold and Erik pull it the rest of the way over. Leif running in shortly behind and throwing another fruit basket over. I oversee all the new food items practically drooling. Knowing that Leif handles the food rations I patiently wait.

Much like a dog, waiting for a bone.

Leif catches me staring and with a light laugh he hands me an apple," who am I to say no to that face?"

I know better than to swallow the apple whole, instead savoring every bite. My teeth cutting into its skin with ease, my mouth filling with the sweet juice from the penetration, and my stomach grumbling happy with every swallow. This must be the best apple I've ever eaten, or perhaps it's due to the fact I've only eaten salty fish these last few days. I continue to bite into my apple little by little while the Vikings row us away from shore.

"Headed East bound. With this loot we can make it to the next port", Harold speaks up, cheek stuff full of the pear in his hand,"maybe we'll get some hindsight on that sister of yours"

"Yes.. that would be nice", I mumble under my breath.

It's so easy to get sidetracked from my mission. There's moments where I forget why I embarked on this Viking boat. There's moments I feel... Free. The wind is indescribable as it tosses my hair away from my face. Nothing like it was on my old dock. Although something to tie it back with would do wonders. Perhaps I should've gotten off the boat and looked for better garments at that port. With how little water I've had, it never crossed my mind. I was confused and dehydrated- there wasn't much reasoning to be done in a state like that. Suddenly the Dragon that once guarded us, glides to the right. I watch it until the creature disappears completely.

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