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~|💬sorry no music today :(💬|~
moon pov :
'today sun was acting weird lately he had not been coming out of has room for hours and when he did he only come to take care of the kids I had talked about this with monty but they said to let them be I guess monty is a kind right I should go chill with earth and lunar'
sun pov :
'be happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy- EVERYTHING IS FINE! I c-can't stop.. I need to be perfect for everyone I can't... they have other problems what if I make more problems for them JUST LIKE M-moon..I try to help but when I try I make it WORSE for him! a-and t-hen h-he h-he die... IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!.. if I can't be perfect for them then these will work..' 💬sun then grabbed a can of happy pills and swallow them all in his ( non-existent ) mouth then he felt like he had been the most happiness person on the world the room was so colorful and bright💬
-so BRIGHT I feel so happy! i have never been so happy in my life! I should go see my dear siblings!-💬sun then started to go see his siblings on his way he felt some sort of pain in his chest he thought it would go away soon so he continued walking on his way💬

- hey guys- *smiles* -oh hey sun- -hi sunny🌌!- -hello sun- -sun you ok?- -never been better!- -you seem to be happier then before why's that sun?- -oh I just feel like it!- -ok then..so why are you here- -oh I just wanted to hangout with you guys!- *smiles* -ok then wait guys I gotta go somewhere else for a bit be right back-
moon pov :
'ok that is much more weirder sun never act like that for all I know some time he is just himself happy and funny but not that happy whatever maybe I'm just thinking too much'
sun pov :

i know a place that we can go to guys!- -ooo!~ where is it🌌?- -hey guys I'm back what are you guys talking about?- -oh hi moon! sun is saying that there is a place we can hang out at!- -ok where is it then sun?- -is at ******!- -ok then come on then guys-
(💬time skip/ they arrive at the place💬)
-is pretty nice- -yeah moon is soooo nice!~- -TOYS🌌!!!!- -calm down little one we will get all the toys you want!- -im not little🌌!!- -ok ok!- -come on guys let's go!- -ok sunny- -ok!!-
(💬they go and play some games💬)
-IM GOING TO BEAT YOU SUN >:D- -AHHH!!!!- -this is fun! ( playing a cute game with cute characters in the game!)- -im hungry🌌!- -what do you want to eat lunar?- -I. WANT. CANDYYYYYYYY🌌!!!!!- -calm down lunar!- -sure then lunar come on guys-
(💬they go to a little supermarket at the place💬)

that will be 99 bucks sir!^ -sure then- *trys to pay but sun pay first* -SUN YOU LITTLE B- -sorry brother but is ok I can pay!- -hmm! fine but I will buy you whatever you want until next month ok?- -sure!- -*EATS*- -ok guys we should go back now!- -ok come on sun and lunar- 💬sun started to walk he felt a pain in his chest again but it felt worse the before his eyes became rainbow he stop walking and held his chest tightly💬 -sun?-
-...ug-h-h..- 💬he started to bleed oil from his mouth💬 -SUN!- 💬moon runs up to sun and saw his eyes was rainbow and he was bleeding from his mouth💬 -SUN WHAT DID YOU DO?!? ARE YOU OK?!?- -u-u-g-hh.. i-im fine m-moon...- -SUN DON'T LIE WHAT HAPPENED?!?!- -u-gh...- 💬sun then pass out💬 -SUN!- -SUNNY🌌!!!- 💬lunar cry while try to run to sun but then stop by earth hugging him tightly while calm them down💬 -is ok lunar.. calm down sun will be okay and alright shh..- 💬earth then carry lunar in to their arms and trying to calm them down💬
moon pov :
'what the f*beep* happened to sun?! his eyes... f*beep* I need to help him!' 💬moon the carry sun in his arm💬
(💬they came back home💬)
'f*beep*!' 💬moon carry sun to his room while with earth and lunar earth carry lunar to their room try to calm lunar down with candy💬  -computer scan sun body Head. TO. toe.- [ ok moon scanning..... done] -what happened to sun- [it seems that their is an error in sun body] -what. error.?- ["happy error"] -happy error? computer what is an happy error and HOW THE F*BEEP* CAN YOU REMOVE IT?- [a happy error is an error when a robot eats a can of happy pills it will make the robot happy for awhile and when it happens it will the robot chest feel some sort of pain at start it will be not so painful but when time goes by the pain will get much worse and will make robot cough out blood and have rainbow eyes it can be remove easily but now sun body is much worse than this we need to remove it now or it will spread fast] 's*beep*' -ok thanks now remove happy error from sun body- [ok moon removing............done] -thanks computer- [ np moon] 💬moon then puts sun in bed and covers him with a blanket💬 'cute..' 💬moon then goes to earth and lunar💬 -Moony! IS SUNNY OK🌌?!?!- -sun is ok lunar he is fine- -good to hear moon I was worried for him so what happened to him?- -*sigh* some error in his system but is all fine now I gotta get going now bye- -bye!- 💬moon then goes to sun room💬 -what the Happy pills?!? h-he even swallow all of the pills?!? what the f*beep*- 💬moon cry a bit because of what sun did to himself💬
sun pov :
'ughh... my head hurts..' 💬sun then saw that he was in moon room💬 'f*beep* he's going to find out..' 💬moon then came in to the room with💬 -sun- 💬moon then came close to sun sun then look away scared that moon is going to hit or yell at him💬 -sun is ok..- 💬moon then hug sun tightly💬 -sun is ok.. -i-I wouldn't hurt you just tell me what's wrong?..- -i-i.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..- 💬sun was crying and hugging moon💬 -shh.. is ok I'm here..- 💬they both cuddle for awhile then sun fall asleep💬 -sweet dream sunny- 💬moon then slowly fall asleep💬
💬OH. MY. GOD. 1219 WORDS?!?!? AHHHHHH!!!!💬
💬this took me so long to finish- I hope you enjoy this angsty and fluff chapter have a good day/night my kittens<3333🐈🐈🐱🐱💬

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