I isolated myself from him, not wanting to witness his pain so directly. I sat on the bed against the wall, each time Michael attempted to persuade me to open the door, my tears intensified, rendering my heart heavier. Alone, I engaged in a dialogue with my nightmare, seeking solace in its twisted embrace.

The nightmare was sitting beside me, a dark presence that could easily be mistaken for companionship if not for the malevolent energy it radiated. It whispered to me, weaving its deceitful words with an eerie familiarity.

"You know that I am telling the truth, right?" The nightmare asked me, its voice dripping with an almost unsettling empathy. "You know that you don't deserve happiness."

"Of course, I know that," I answered, my voice void of any discernible emotion, yet deep inside, a spark of defiance flickered.

"Then why are you resisting me? Let me in. You don't need anyone else but me." It nestled closer to me, its presence seeking to worm its way into my thoughts.

To me, her statement seemed illogical. I had this nagging feeling that I had already allowed her in, but perhaps some tiny part of me was still resisting her influence.

"Say, Celestina, do you love him?" The nightmare inquired, its voice a sly whisper that echoed in the chamber of my mind.

My eyes widened at her question. Do I genuinely love him? Was it even possible for someone like me to experience love?

"I don't know," I answered, my voice trembling with the weight of uncertainty. "I feel a tumult of emotions, a maddening confusion."

The nightmare only hummed in response, her eerie presence lingering like a dark cloud in my mind. "You know that he could never truly love you, correct? You can never be together. You will only cause him pain and danger. Do you really want that?"

I shook my head, a mixture of defiance and denial. "No."

"Good girl," I sensed its malevolent satisfaction. "You just deserve pain and suffering. Joy would be a selfish indulgence after what you've done."

I started shaking my head frantically, desperation painting my features. "No, no, don't do this again. I know. I can't bear to remember."

"Hmm. I think that you indeed need a reminder, darling." The nightmare's fingers gripped my face, guiding me back to the harrowing memory I sought to evade.

Fire consumed my surroundings, and amidst the inferno, two figures writhed in agony, their pleas for mercy echoing like a haunting symphony. My own voice joined theirs in a crescendo of pain, and the nightmare's hiss intertwined with the torment.

"Keep watching."

And the one who was responsible for that was me. An evil smirk played on my lips as I callously watched them be consumed by the flames.

"Enough! Enough! I learned my lesson! Stop!" I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to block out the nightmarish scene.

"You are a weakling, Celestina. Can't even face what you did."

I turned to face her, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I was just a damn child!"

"Doesn't change the fact that you still killed them," the nightmare replied with a chilling smile.

I started pacing back and forth, desperation taking hold. "No, no, no, no!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. "It was something else. Something controlled me!"

 She only snickered, her tone dripping with malevolence. "Excuses, dear. It won't change the fact." Then she fixed me with a sadistic smile. "It seems you need more pain, dear."

No! I despised this. I collapsed onto my knees in agonizing torment. Only she possessed the power to inflict such supernatural agony upon me. I clutched my head, attempting to alleviate the pain, but it was futile.

"Don't resist it. You deserve every bit of it," she shrieked.

After a couple of minutes, I heard a resounding thud against the door. Nightmare's gaze fixated instantly on the door. Michael again. He had been visiting me multiple times a day ever since I started isolating myself. Each time, I'd fabricate excuses, hoping he'd eventually give up and walk away.

He banged again, his voice a mixture of worry and desperation seeping through the wooden barrier. "Celestina, please. I cannot bear to listen to your suffering any longer. Open the door, please. Let's talk."

I could hear the exhaustion in his voice, the weariness that mirrored my own. I simply lay on the floor, feeling utterly numb and defeated. The nightmare was instantly at my side, a sinister presence in the darkness that surrounded me.

"I think I've devised a better punishment for you," the nightmare whispered into my ear, her voice dripping with malice. "You can't lie and pretend you don't feel anything for him. Just tell him you hate him, Celestina. Say anything that will make him give up on you and leave you alone." She leaned in closer, her breath cold against my skin. "Being entirely alone with me would be the worst punishment for you."

I walked toward the door, prepared to say anything to make him go away. But then, I heard something crack. My heart pounded as I stepped back from the door, my eyes widening in shock. There, before me, was Michael, and he had just shattered the door.

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