Part 19: The final Fight (1/2)

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 Shadow eclipse looked down to see The Mimics hand through his back and out of his chest gripping the newton star. "Why...." The Mimic ripped the star out of Shadow's chest and let his body fall to the ground, The Mimic smirked as he let Shadow's body fall.

"good soldiers follow orders" The Mimic says before backing into the shadows of The Mindspace. Group B suddenly appeared beside Group A.

"what the hell? why are we here?" Monty says looking around. "where'd Mimic go?" He added, he then saw Lunar on his knees in front of Shadow eclipse.

"so this is it....... the end of my life........  it's been a good run....." Shadow eclipse says.

"you're going to be fine. Shadow, please don't die on us, we're so close to winning" Lunar said on the verge of crying.

"hey Lunar it's going to be...... okay....... trust me, you're going to win, I know you will" Shadow eclipse said. "Win this for me.... Derrick.... freddy.... and all those who have suffered in this fight" he adds slowly.

"Don't die please! Shadow we can help you I know we can!" Lunar says not accepting what's happening before him. 

"You can't....... it's impossible........ without the star......... you can't heal me.......... it's impossible.......... when I see derrick........... if I do........... I'll tell him you........... you miss him...... okay?" Shadow eclipse says.

"okay...... goodbye" Lunar says before hugging Shadow.

"Goodbye..... all of you........... you gave my life so much more meaning...... thank you" Shadow eclipse says before shutting down.

"awwww..... so sweet" Bloodstar says sarcastically. "Too bad you're all going to die" he says sadistically. Bloodsoul standing beside him menacingly beofre seeing Shadow eclipse body. 

"b-brother..... what did you do to him? Tell me..... what. did. you. do. to. him.." Bloodstar just smirked at him. "Answer me!" He yelled at him. Eclipse then walked into the area. 

"the star, you're finally going to be complete Bloodstar" Eclipse smiled "will I finally be free from your control?" he asked.

"oh yes you will Eclipse, you have no use to me anymore" Bloodstar said.

"what do you mean?" Elipse asked, Bloodstar then pulled out a voodoo doll of eclipse and a knife.

"you have no use in this world anymore eclipse, good bye" Bloodstar says before stabbing the voodoo doll in the chest then in the head. then stabs appear on Eclipse's body ... after a little bit of stabbing Bloodstar drops the doll and Eclipse drops dead on the floor. Bloodstar holds the star up to his chest and almost immediately starts fusing making his body grow massive and achieve his final form....

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