Jerek - Insecurities

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Derek's pov

I let out a sigh as I looked through the pictures through my phone of me and him, goofy ones, serious ones, pouting faces, cute ones, angry ones, you name it we've taken it.

His gorgeous golden sun kissed skin that he has which is odd because we live in Canada but suits him perfectly, beautiful caramel brown eyes that shine no matter what light he is in and go on for miles that you cant help but get lost in them even if you don't mean to, then embarrassingly have to get snapped out of your trance by him all the time but he just laughs it off.

His adorable button nose that he wrinkles cutely when he laughs or when he is repulsed by something, his lips oh so plump and full that you just want to kiss them all day long.

The shiny coating they get on them when he licks his lips which is a habit of his and I don't know where he picked it up from, you cant help but follow the movement when he does it, his eyebrows that are a dark brown compared to his hair, bushy but perfectly shaped and suited for his face, when he raises his one eyebrow and gives you that look that has you fawning at his every command or movement.

When he lifts something or just makes a simple movement and his biceps flex from that movement that you cannot help but drool over, or when we get those days when its sunny out and he walks around shirtless showing his well defined chiselled chest and abs that would have beads of sweat running down each crevice of his body and it makes you want to run your hands all over him.

His raspy and angelic voice that I could sit and listen to all day especially when he sings, it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and his laugh or chuckle that just lights up any dull and gloomy room or atmosphere.

His tattoos that I love and want to sit for hours on end tracing every single one of them and let me tell you it's a lot but I wouldn't change it for anything because it makes him look ten thousand times sexier.

When he runs his long fingers through his locks trying to tame it when he hasn't gelled it up into it's usual quiff because he simply could not be bothered or he was wearing a snapback or a beanie so he doesn't need to.

His sense of style is fascinating, one day he could be wearing simple sweats and a v-neck but then the next minute he's wearing jeans that are sagged so low down his perfect tight ass that I'm surprised he hasn't tripped over or lost them completely but he likes to say and I quote, 'Don't let the pants wear you, wear the pants.'

Sometimes he will wear a nice shirt and jacket, but there is always a pair of supras on his feet and at least one chain around his long and tanned neck that I just want to suck and kiss on to mark him as mine.

When he does his little swagger walk because he thinks it looks cool although he looks like a complete douche bag, I would never say that because I find it adorable how he thinks he looks cool doing it.

How he has every single person that I know fawning over his looks and his ingratiating manner but he pays them no mind because he doesn't realize that they would literally do anything for him, even fucking adults bow down and hang on his every word.

This man was simply carved by the gods of perfection, he is good at everything that he does, singing, dancing, playing instruments, hockey, basketball, ping pong, soccer, swimming, I cant even float above water never mind fucking swim.

He looks so attractive in anything he does whether it be walking, talking, sitting down, watching tv, looking at his phone or eating his damn food, you name it he looks good doing it let me tell you.

I find it extremely hard to keep my composure around him and you may think oh he probably isn't around him a lot right?

Well wrong we practically live at each others houses, we are barely away from each other for more than a couple of hours at a time before we are calling one another to get round their houses.

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