The Peace Keeper

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Egan Bernardus McAuley was the name given to me when I first entered this world. Well, the first that I remember being in this world. The days before that I no longer remember. The following tale is what happened during those early days, now, so long ago. Even now I feel sorry for those deeds done, even though necessary. Much has changed since then and with the council now completed It is safe to write these words down for all to read.

There was nothing but darkness before me, no light, nothing but thought. The thoughts raced into my mind and there multiplied. The racing neurons shooting about like little pinballs fast at work scoring points in an elaborate maze with no end.

This went on for what seemed like eternity before I felt a conscious being again. Through the darkness this flaming light came billowing forth, spreading, engulfing all thought. It swirled around my mind lighting fire to each passing neuron.

Suddenly and without my conscious and deliberate intent my eyes opened. There standing before me were three wolves. They stared down at me with glowing eyes that reflected the soft light of the moon. There was one larger and darker than the others. He appeared to be the alpha. Standing a little closer than the others he had an air about him. Something about his posture emanated a quiet and noble authority. His eyes were the color of hot flowing lava and the coal black hair of his coat rustled slightly as a cool breeze fought its way through the forest. There was a friendliness in his expression, a familiarity with me, as if he knew who I was.

Out in the darkness a yellow flickering light shot out from behind a large oak tree and the wolves all braced themselves with taut muscles and unflinching posture. The larger wolf looked down at me and then to the other wolves and they turned to leave. He stayed on a moment longer looking out to the light jumping in and out amongst the forest trees. The other two wolves trotted off into the night, slowly becoming the darkness they entered, returning home the darkness into the night.

As the light grew brighter, voices could be heard, only but a soft whisper. They were humans and were searching the woods, at least near as I could tell. The light would shine out slightly one way then the next and all the time a steady talking in hushed tone.

When the voices behind the light neared within 100 yards the lone wolf glanced down to me again and then turned and left. As before with the others his dark silhouette slowly morphed itself into the night and was gone.

The light came nearer now and the voices quickly became loud enough in the still night to hear them. There was a man and a woman conversing casually about how fencing should be done up right the first time.

"Now Jenny, you know damn well I built it up right. No call in slandering me none."

"Egard you foolish old man, taint no reason to slander a man with no good name. Ha! If you ever once listened to me you shanta be draggin me through the woods at night lookin for a lost cow."

The man Egard stopped talking.

They came forward without further conversation. The light peaking into the forest as they walked tree to tree like a lighthouse signaling its position.

"What on earth!" The woman shrieked, a horrid look on her face. She ran towards me and knelt.

"What now Jenny?"

She turned back and motioned him over with her free arm while scooping me up with the other.

"Look here Egard." She could hardly speak, the words only a faint whisper.

"By God Jenny, who would leave a child alone in these woods." Egard snarled, the disgust evident in face.

She didn't answer him. Her attention focused on me, the small child found alone in the dark forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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