I appreciate you. (Pt 1)

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August just called me and told me to get ready because he was on his way and would be here in 10 minutes, he didn't even bother to tell me why. We weren't even speaking because he blew up on me for kissing another guy, but it was a mistake, and I don't really see the problem when he constantly is kissing females. And I highly doubted it was going to be anything fancy or romantic because August never does things like that for me. So I settled, just put on my turquoise bodycon skirt, and a white, cropped tank top, with my white sandals. I heard a horn honking outside, so I peeked out of the window, spotting an unfamiliar white escalade.

Minutes later, I received a text message from him, telling me to come on before he leaves me. I sighed, walking down the stairs then outside. An escort opened up the door, revealing August's face and to me he didn't seem to happy to see me. I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand and getting inside the car.

"Thank you." I smiled at the escort, he returned the smile before tipping his hat and closing the door. Shortly the car started and we were on our way to wherever we were going.

"Was good?" August looked at me, raising his eyebrow. You could tell by his tone he was upset with me.

"What do you mean?" I muttered, placing my hand on my forehead.

"I mean, here I am trying to do something for you, and you just gone come up in here, and don't acknowledge my presents." He snapped.

"August! You always want to argue, and I'm sick and tired of this shit. I don't think I can-" He cut me off by smashing his lips into mine.

"You could have told me you hand on lip gloss," He mumbled, wiping his mouth, "Just relax, I got a surprise Sav." He told me before looking down at his phone.

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now