Season 2 Part 3: Swordsmith Enderknight Cristen

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Our first stop in the End was at a popular shop named "Cristen's Tools". I decided to buy a bow with the Enchantment Infinity, so that as long as I have one arrow I can infinitely shoot. I saw all types of people here like Humans, Ardoni, Enderknights, and even a few Magnorites. Now it is my turn. "Welcome to Cristen's Tools, how can I help you?" He asked. "Hi, one bow with infinity." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes... Why?" I said. "Well, you don't look like to type to wield a Bow." He said. He was correct. Although I can hit some shots, I am much better with a sword. "I'm sure. Thank you though" I said. "I can help you" He said. "The shop closes in twenty minutes. If you could wait in the yard behind this building, I could train you" He said. "Oh, thanks!" I said. I payed the money and left. Owen was waiting outside. I told him about it and he understood. "I wish you luck!" He said. After he went to a shop to get coffee. This Era has the most Enderknights ever!

Cristen came out. "So, you want to learn how to use a bow?" He asked. "Yes, I know the basics." I answered. "Great. Let's get started". After an hour I learned a lot. Another one passed and I was getting better. Owen was watching me with his coffee. I kept training and training and eventually I hit ten in a row! I kept training and eventually I only missed once every long while. "Thank you very much, I wish you success!" I told Cristen. "You are welcome. I hope you do great things with that bow. See you later" He said. "Yep, bye. I responded." Me and Owen walked out. Not after long, we found the Ender castle...

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