Uunlocking The Past

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The chapter begins with Oscar walking up the steps of the ruined, flooded building he had walked through. He walked up and entered into another stone hallway.

"Geez, Ruby, where are you?" Oscar asked out loud to himself.

The scythe-wielder's friends and family were all wondering the same thing as they pray that Oscar will find her soon. 

Oscar runs out of the hallway and into another clearing, spotting a round tower on the upper level. "Huh, wait a minute..." He pulls out the map and sees a drawing of the same tower in the bottom right corner of it.

"Now what's so important about that tower?" Oscar asked.

Suddenly, a couple more pirates appeared on the upper level and shot down at him. "Whoa! Sonofabitch!" Oscar exclaimed, getting behind cover.

"Here we go again." Weiss muttered, not very pleased.

"Geez, these guys are a pain in the ass." Yang retorts.

Oscar ran to cover and then up a staircase to get closer to his attackers. He soon shot them down and then found a crank that opened a door below. "Aha. What's this?" He asked himself as he started turning it.

Oscar dropped down and went through the door to a smaller clearing with more pillars. He found a locked door with a picture of two keys above it. He looks at the map and sees the same picture next to the tower drawing.

"Same symbol, but what's that got to do with the tower?" Oscar asked himself.

He decides to go to the tower first. He looks up and sees a broken platform on the wall with a rope attached to it. The rope holds up a pallet with stones on it. Oscar climbs up the pillars to the platform and takes the rope. He swings on it to a pillar and kicks it, sending it down. 

"Nice." Yang said, impressed.

Oscar let's go of the rope and drops down, rolling out of the way as the stones fall. 

"Close one." Ruby said, relieved.

Oscar climbs up the knocked-down pillar and up the ledges on the wall. He lands on a platform that starts to collapse.

"Oh no no no no no no no NO NO!" Oscar exclaimed, panicked.

"Careful, kid." Qrow said, concerned.

Luckily, Oscar jumps off it just in time and grabs onto the side of the tower. He goes in to the upper floor and finds a skeleton with a set of keys in its hand. Oscar takes them.

He groaned in disgust, pushing the bones away. "Yuck - Excuse me. Thank you." He drops down from the tower and goes back to the door. He tries each key until he opens it. He laughs. "All right."

Oscar goes through some more halls and wonders about Ruby again. "Where the hell is she?"

'Where are you, Ruby??' Summer thought to herself, worried.

Oscar gets back outside to another large courtyard where another group of pirates are seen firing at him. He takes cover and fires back. Up on a window across the yard is another mounted gun. Oscar sees a door on the side and gets an idea. He quickly moves to the door and goes up some stairs. He gets to where the gun is and knocks off the guy on it. He gets on the gun and takes out the pirates in the courtyard. 

Ironwood hummed, impressed. "Good work, Oscar."

Oscar then goes down the hall and down some more stairs. He enters a dark room where a floodlight was lit up. He found a table next to it with an old sword and helmet on it. Curious, Oscar observes the artifacts with. "Hmm... these aren't Spanish, they're English."

Oscar notices some drawings on the wall and shines the floodlight on it. It shows a large drawing of the island with words written in English.  "Whoa." He begins reading it. "Fletcher - we have gone to the great tower. I pray that you will meet us there. Francis Drake."  

"Wow..." Oscar said, amazed. "So you did make it here... but what were you plotting?"

Oscar leaves the room and up some stairs and gets out in the open again. He then spots a large, fancy square tower across the upper level. "That must be Drake's tower." 

"Only one way to find out." Blake said, nodding.

Oscar runs along the wall and climbs the structures. He reaches the a window in the tower and goes in. He once again thinks about Ruby. "Where'd she go?"

'Dammit, Ruby, where are you?' Tai thought, getting worried for his daughter.

Oscar jumped onto another pillar and dropped down, grabbing the ledge and jumping across. Then moved and jumped across to another ledge lower than the last. He shimmied across and jumped across again, then onto a small platform, and quickly shimmied across before jumping onto a window seal of the tower and he climbed up.

"How are his fingers not burning after all that climbing??" Weiss asked herself.

Oscar continues moving up before coming across a room attached to a balcony and a window ledge with an old telescope, that was probably broken, on a table.

He grabs the telescope and picks it up. "This must've been Drake's. So what were you looking for, hm?" He stands on the balcony and sees a large bay with a large building on the other side. He looks through the telescope and sees the building is a big, domed harbor-like structure.

"Well now, that looks familiar..." Oscar then looks down and sees a bunch of wrecked ships sticking out of the water in front of the harbor. "Huh. The ships never left."

Oscar looks down some more and spots Ruby with her camera standing on the edge of the fortress, looking at the harbor. "Ruby!"

There she is." Summer said, relieved that her daughter is still out of harms way.

Suddenly, Oscar hears voices below him.

"Hey, there she is! Watch this."

Oscar sees two pirates right below the balcony taking aim at Ruby. 

"NO!" Yang shouted.

"Oscar! Stop them!" Summer yelled.

Without thinking, Oscar takes out his pistol and shoots one of them but the other one opens fire with a RPG at him, breaking the balcony, and loud ringing in his ears. Oscar is thrown back and knocked unconscious. 

"Oscar!" Ruby yelled, worried.

"We got him." The pirate remarked.

Then everything went dark.

Ruby grew worried. "Oscar! Is he o-"

"Calm down, Ruby. He's okay." Theo assured, causing the scythe-wielder to sighed with relief.

"Thank god." Glynda said, relief.

"But what about Ruby?" Yang wondered.

"She's alright. She'll arrive in the next chapter." Andy said.

Lucy played the next chapter.

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