I ran as fast as i could not looking back i felt wind blowing through my hair as i started to feel weak in my legs i was about to hit the ground the most gorgeous man i have ever seen caught me i *gasp*looking him dead in the eye it feels as though time has stopped for a split second while i forgot i was being chased by three men i got up from his arms and i swear he was about to ask my name but before he could i ran like there was no tomorrow .once again i looked back and before i knew it i lost them "i guess working out comes in handy"i stopped by a fountain exhausted and as i sat down i"gasp"
love at first sight
Romancei ran as fast as my legs could take me while three greedy men chase after me feeling weak in my legs i tripped and as i was about to hit the ground somelne caught me and when i looked up it felt like time has stopped i saw the most gorgeous man look...