Chapter 1

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A mere boy walked down the long, white hallway. He parades along in the skin of a man, but knew nothing of the world yet. He listened to his footsteps and mused to himself over the strange and differing sound, both steps were opposite of each other and that made him sound like a pirate with a peg leg. He didn't like the way his footsteps sounded, but he had awoken with them and naturally got used to the strange noises with time, what else was he supposed to do.


Will couldn't hear his own breathing and he thought to himself that he was sort of dead, though half of him was already.

He had walked this hallway many times before and had quickly memorized the whole route. His mind had had years to map it out. His thoughts began to wander as he grew bored. Will thought about how much he hated this marble hallway, in this fancy hospital, in this big city full of buildings and people. He had always taken to the country far better than the city. The city just seemed too fake in his eyes.

Ironic, Will scoffed. The thought was fleeting as his mind roamed onto other things. They need more color, everything is so bland in here.

He saw the metal doors, painted white to match the hallway, ahead that would lead to his growing frustration and sadness. He hated those particular white doors above the rest in the building.

Will walked with his boots over his right shoulder and his shirt and jeans in his left hand. Though he walked down the hallway in only his baby blue underwear, his body was built with a heating system.


He frowned to himself for he always hated his monthly examination. He could always feel the new recruits staring at him like he was a freak show, though the other doctors had the manners to concealing their interest; a show especially for their entertainment.

Will pushed open the door with halfhearted resolve. Upon entry, all of the doctors and nurses turned to see him in the doorway. Will barely hid his scowl as he walked in.

The freak has arrived, he thought to himself, more serious than joking.

He made his way to the metal examination table by weaving through the crowd of trainees and doctors. None moved out of his way, none showed him kindness when the space was too small and he bumped into them. None acknowledged him as human, neither did he.

Will lay upon the cold table in his boxers, waiting for the head doctor and the one to be examining him to arrive and start the checkup. Will's clothing and shoes had been placed under the table he laid upon, resting on the lower shelf.

Finally the doctor came in. The doctor wore a long, white jacket labeling him as the head of staff. The man that Will had a growing grudge for and yet respected, the first face that Will saw after only darkness in his memories.

This man's tag read Dr.Clarks, had always been nice to Will. Though Will knew that the doctor was kinder to him than anyone else, Will knew the truth. Those that seemed nice only pitied him, though he wasn't sure exactly why. Pity was for the less fortunate, the human.

In fact, Will wasn't sure why he was considered different from the others in the hospital. Other experiments had taken place in the past, other people had things done to there bodies. So why was Will treated like this, like a monster not worthy of living and yet a human worthy of their pity?

The old man with a flowing white beard leaned over Will as he lay across the table unmoving, waiting for instructions though he had the procedures memorized.

Clarks' hands moved unhesitating across his patient's chest as he hit his body with a small metal hammer that had formally been waiting on a smaller metal table beside Will.

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