Character Insight: Kenta

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Name: Kenta Masaru Kurosawa

Age: 18

Club: Volleyball [Team Captain]

Personality Traits:

Defensive: Kenta's tough exterior is a defense mechanism he's developed over time. His past experiences have taught him to guard his vulnerabilities, often reacting with aggression to protect himself from potential emotional harm. While he appears confrontational, this trait is rooted in a fear of getting hurt again.

Sarcastic: Kenta uses sarcasm as a shield, deflecting attention away from his true emotions. His snarky comments and biting remarks create a barrier between himself and others, allowing him to maintain control over his interactions. Beneath the sarcasm lies a deeper layer of pain he'd rather keep hidden.

Determined: Once Kenta sets his mind on something, he's relentless in his pursuit. This determination, while often used for negative purposes, showcases his resilience and unwillingness to back down. He carries a chip on his shoulder, and his persistence is an indirect expression of his desire to prove his worth.

Perceptive: Kenta's sharp observation skills are often overlooked due to his antagonistic behavior. He's adept at reading people's body language, expressions, and tones, which helps him navigate social situations with a calculated edge. His perceptive nature stems from a need to anticipate potential threats to his emotional well-being.

Loyalty: Despite his abrasive exterior, Kenta values loyalty deeply. Once he forms a connection, whether it's a friend or a mentor, he's fiercely protective and dedicated. He's afraid of being abandoned or betrayed again, so he holds onto the relationships he values with a tight grip. This loyalty is his way of seeking stability in a world that has hurt him before.


Protecting Family: Despite his tough demeanor, Kenta's strong attachment to his family is evident in the way he looks out for his younger sibling. He takes on the role of a protective older brother, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their well-being.

Art Appreciation: Kenta secretly has a soft spot for art, particularly paintings that evoke emotion and tell a story. He admires the ability of artists to convey feelings through their work, something he deeply relates to due to his own concealed emotions.

Volleyball: As the captain of the volleyball team, Kenta thrives in leadership roles. He enjoys the camaraderie of the team and the sense of accomplishment that comes with working hard to achieve a common goal. Volleyball offers him an outlet for his competitive spirit and a chance to channel his emotions constructively.

Private Sketching: Kenta's artistic side extends beyond his appreciation for art. He enjoys sketching in his spare time, often creating detailed drawings that reflect his complex emotions. This creative outlet allows him to express himself in a way that he can't with words.

Unspoken Feelings: Deep down, Kenta has developed feelings for Takashi that he's struggled to confront. He appreciates Takashi's kindness and genuine nature, but his past experiences have made it difficult for him to acknowledge his own emotions. This inner turmoil is both a source of confusion and a testament to his capacity to care deeply.


Deception: Kenta despises dishonesty and manipulation, likely due to his own struggles with authenticity. He has a keen ability to detect when others are being disingenuous, and this triggers his guard to go up.

Being Vulnerable: As someone who has been hurt in the past, Kenta has developed a strong aversion to vulnerability. He dislikes situations that force him to reveal his true feelings or expose his emotional scars, preferring to maintain a tough exterior as a protective shield.

Pity: Kenta strongly dislikes being pitied or perceived as weak. He goes to great lengths to avoid situations where others might feel sorry for him, which often leads him to downplay his own struggles or dismiss his need for support.

Betrayal: Having experienced betrayal before, Kenta has a deep-seated fear of being let down by those he cares about. He is cautious about forming close bonds, fearing that he might invest too much only to be hurt again.

Unwanted Attention: Despite his role as the captain of the volleyball team, Kenta dislikes being in the spotlight or having too much attention directed at him. He prefers to operate behind the scenes and often withdraws when the focus shifts onto him personally.

Background and Challenges:

Kenta Kurosawa's initial encounter with Takashi was nothing out of the ordinary. They were in the same grade, attending the same school, yet they ran in different circles. Kenta's reputation as the resident tough guy and bully had already been well-established by then. He had perfected the art of masking his insecurities and past hurts behind a veil of arrogance and aloofness. It was easier to project an image of indifference than to confront the wounds that still haunted him.

Kenta's interactions with his classmates were often characterized by biting sarcasm, taunts, and pushing people's buttons just to see their reactions. He reveled in the attention this behavior garnered, despite the fact that it isolated him further from genuine connections. Even with Takashi, he didn't hesitate to display his rude and brash persona, making snide remarks and engaging in minor power plays.

However, beneath the surface, things were more complicated. The more Kenta observed Takashi, the more he noticed the stark contrast between his outward kindness and his inner resilience. Takashi seemed unaffected by Kenta's facade, and that piqued Kenta's curiosity. He started to pay more attention to Takashi's interactions with others, noting the genuine concern he displayed for his friends, the empathy he showed to those who were struggling, and the patience he exhibited even in the face of Kenta's provocations.

Over time, Kenta's perception of Takashi began to shift. Instead of seeing him as just another person to antagonize, he found himself drawn to the very qualities he had been trying to suppress within himself. Takashi's authenticity was like a beacon of light, illuminating the parts of Kenta that he had been desperately trying to keep hidden. Despite his best efforts, Kenta's tough exterior started to crack, revealing the vulnerability he had buried deep within.

It was around the same time that he noticed the subtle dynamics between Takashi and Haruki. The bond they shared was undeniable, and Kenta felt a twinge of something unfamiliar-jealousy. He couldn't quite understand why his feelings were evolving in this way, but the realization that he might be losing the opportunity to have Takashi's attention all to himself ignited a new determination within him.

As Kenta's feelings for Takashi grew stronger, so did his hostility towards Haruki. He adopted a more aggressive stance, making snarky comments, and even engaging in outright confrontations. He felt threatened by Haruki's closeness to Takashi and the connection they shared. It was as if Kenta was driven by an unspoken desperation to establish himself as the most important person in Takashi's life, even though he didn't fully understand the root of these emotions.

Deep down, Kenta's feelings for Takashi were rooted in a desire for genuine connection. He saw in Takashi the kindness he had lost faith in, the strength to be vulnerable he had denied himself, and the sense of belonging he had always yearned for. Takashi's authenticity resonated with the part of Kenta that was desperate to break free from the confines of his self-imposed persona. Yet, his journey towards embracing these feelings was tumultuous, marred by jealousy, insecurity, and a longing that he struggled to put into words.

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