Narusasu: Seperation

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Naruto and Sasuke have been dating since they where twelve, it was love at first sight. Growing up, Sasuke was told by family members that his parents were arranged by their families and because of that Sasuke thought that he was destined to end up like them, learn to love the person instead of actually being in love with them. However his brother Itachi paved the way for them when he married Kisame, The age gap was shocking at first since Kisame is eleven years older than Itachi who was twenty three at the time, but whatever they did worked and their parents approved.

Itachi was so beautiful on his wedding day, he has never seen his brother so happy before. Because of Itachi and Kisame, Naruto walked right up to Fugaku and Mikoto and said, "One day I will marry your son Sasuke." Fugaku looked at Naruto and approved, Sasuke always thought it was strange how his traditional parents changed their ways for them, but he never asked.

that was almost five years ago and now Naruto and Sasuke are engaged and they couldn't be happier, however his once happily married brother was now sad and distant from his husband. They weren't showing affection to each other like they used to, they stopped calling each other nicknames, and finally Kisame would spend more time at work then being there for Itachi and their son Shizuma. Itachi always had excuses trying to paint this picture of a happy family, but then reality hit when Itachi showed up at their parents door with Shizuma around his arm and a suitcase.

"What do you mean your getting a divorce!" Fugaku yelled, "I knew letting you marry him was a mistake!" Itachi just sits there on the couch as he tries to console his crying son. Mikoto takes a deep breath and says, "Itachi, you know divorce is shameful, you need to fix this... What would the other clan members and villagers say?" Itachi then tells Shizuma to go play in another room, when Shizuma was out of earshot Itachi then says, "I tried everything and it doesn't work, I cook, I clean... He won't touch me, he won't talk to me... I've given up." Mikoto accidentally adds salt to the wound by saying, "Its probably because you gained weight, look at that baby fat you still have from Shizuma, darling if you go to the gym then maybe your husband will find you attractive." Sasuke couldn't believe what he just heard, his brother isn't fat at all if anything Itachi was perfect. Itachi got up and ran to the bathroom crying. Sasuke stood there in shocked silence at his mother, his father however vocalized his feelings, "Why would you say that, there is nothing wrong the way he looks." Mikoto who wishes she could take those back says, "I didn't mean to sound harsh, But there has to be a reason that his marriage is falling apart, oh God what did I do." Sasuke then stands up for his brother and says, "Yeah, its Kisame. If Itachi is giving a thousand percent in his marriage and Kisame isn't then its Kisame's fault not his!" Mikoto shakes her head in agreement and promised them that she will apologize to Itachi later.

Sasuke walks up to the bathroom and knocks on the door, "Itachi its me, please open the door." as he stands there for a second he hears itachi saying, "Just a minute Sasuke." Itachi then opens the door and the brothers hug, "Itachi, mother was way out of line and she is sorry for what she said, but what happened to you and Kisame, you guys were so happy?" Itachi lets go of the hug and says, "I don't know... I don't know everything basically changed overnight, I don't know why." Sasuke feels bad for Itachi, but it makes him think about Naruto, what if that happens to him down the line. Sasuke then takes a deep breath and says, "Lets hit the club tonight and have some fun." Itachi nods and they leave to get ready.

The brothers arrived in the club they started to have a few drinks to pregame, the music was loud and they started dancing together when Itachi's favorite song was playing. Sasuke felt proud of himself when he saw how happy Itachi was, as the brothers danced a man came up to them and introduced himself, "Hey beautiful, I was wondering if I can buy you a drink?" Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "Sorry, i'm engaged." The man smiles and says, "Oh sorry I was trying to talk to your friend." Itachi was shocked as he pointed to himself, "Me?" The man nods and says, "Hi my name is Juzo Biwa, what's yours beautiful?" Itachi smiles and says, "Hello, my name is Itachi." Juzo smiles as he says, "I never knew a weasel could be so attractive, do you want a drink?" Itachi blushes at the comment and nods, "That sounds nice, i'll have a gin and tonic." As Juzo leaves to grab the drinks Sasuke grabs Itachi and says, "What are you doing your married!" Itachi then says, "It's a drink Sasuke i'm not going to have sex with him." Sasuke yells, "You agreed to have a drink with him at a club, that's club lingo for do you want to have sex and you basically said yes I would!" Itachi pulls his arm free and says, "Little brother i'm not stupid, its just a drink what's the big deal?" Sasuke starts pulling his hair, "It is a big deal, what if that guy drugs you, or what if Kisame finds out and demands a divorce. Itachi please lets leave!" Before they can say anything else the man comes back, "Here you go Itachi, one gin and tonic." Itachi thanks him, before he takes a drink he inspects it to see if it was drugged or tampered with, Juzo sees this and says, "Don't worry beautiful i'm not a rapist, besides I think consent is sexy." Itachi smiles and takes a drink, Sasuke regrets bringing his brother to a club.

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