chapter 22

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A week have passed since that unexpected meeting between the two pairs...after that lunch sara insisted on exchanging numbers with yibo and yibo with a little hesitation agreed...sean on the other hand frowned at the idea, he was actually ready to have an argument with Sara about it but when sara started questioning sean why he is being protective towards yibo, he let the matter go...he don't have any choices didn't he? Or sara and cheng xiao will suspect more....

And also week have passed that yibo smells something is wrong with Cheng Xiao...she got more clingy and protective towards yibo...being on his side every second and she even bitched her friends whenever she caught them gazing at her's actually normal for a girl to act like that when someone look at the person she likes but yibo find it weird

Yibo is an introvert so his observation skills are very good, he even ask fanxing if the boy noticed the changes happening to Cheng xiao but fanxing just shrugged...

Speaking off, fanxing and pei xin got finally together...the both have confessed their feelings one evening and they become a lover...yibo is quite shocked when they told him that they're now boyfriends... because as he remembered, the two just known each other with just less than a month and they're now saying that they're already a couple? But yibo just thought that love have its own magic, nothing is imposible...

Yibo can't help but admit that the two sometimes annoy him... fanxing and pei xin always stick together leading him to be a third wheel...and while he watched the couple being all sweet he can't help but to miss sean too...he wish he can also boast sean to the others and yell on top of his lungs that sean is only his...but what can he do, they're not a official couple yet..and it's his fault, because he didn't until now say 'yes' to sean

What they have is hidden too

"What are you thinking buddy" fanxing said while they walked to the canteen


"Oh man, just say it...or is it sean~" he teased that makes yibo to blush....dammn even just hearing the older's name have this effect on him!

"God! So it's really him...I knew it" fanxing beamed liked he have won some lottery

Yibo just rolled his eyes,"it's know that sean have been courting me right and I'm really itching to say 'yes' but I'm too shy"

"Just say it" fanxing said

"Forget it... where's your boyfriend by the way, I'm not used seeing you alone" he asked and looked at their front and the back finding pei xin.

"Nah...his mother is bit sick so he can't attend the school as he need to take care of her...I'm actually worried at first but he assure me that everything is fine and he can handle it... I'll visit them later" fanxing answered

"I hope she gets well soon"

"Me too buddy~"


" you mind if I sit here and join the both of you" the beaming Cheng xiao asked as she approach yibo and fanxing's table... she's wearing this angelic smile on her face that don't have this much of makeup like she always have, her aura is peaceful making her to look dashing...totally different from what she is from before.

"Now I can say that you're right...she have changed a lot" fanxing whispered to yibo and yibo nooded

He smile at the standing cheng xiao as he say 'yes' and the girl smiled wider...he sat on yibo's side and across them is fanxing

"It seems that you're in great mood Cheng Xiao" fanxing asked as he squint his eyes a little and observe the poor girl

Cheng xiao nooded and smile at fanxing...this almost make fanxing to have a acute heart's still fresh from his memory how bad and how Cheng xiao act like a bitch towards how can she transform from being devil into an innocent angel??!

"Aren't the both of you eating?" Cheng xiao asked as she tilted his head towards yibo's direction with a pout...

"Did she just pout?!" fanxing thought not believing how the girl is acting

"Of course we are...why are you here by the way, where are your friends" yibo asked politely

"Friends?? We're now over... they're all bad you know, I don't want their attitude specially how they drool over you and fantasize something dirty about you" she answered while munching her food

Yibo and fanxing felt their jaw hit the floor...

"Can't believe I'm hearing this from the leader of the club 'yibo's hoe'" fanxing said sarcastically and yibo shoot his friend a glare...fanxing just shrugged his shoulder when he felt the glare of yibo

"Sorry Cheng xiao...fanxi---"

"No it's okay...I'm used to your friend, I'm in a good mood because I get to eat with my yibo" she said cutting yibo...

Cheng Xiao suddenly faced yibo and held out her hand...while yibo seems confused over the act the same as fanxing.

"Well, this is my good girlfriend era...I actually watched a series and the boy cheated on his lover, and we don't want that to happen on us yibo...right? I'm Xiao Cheng Xiao the only child of Sean Xiao zhan...17 years old and in a happy relationship with wang yibo...nice to meet you"

"Do I introduced myself too???"

"Hello...I'm wang yibo 18 years old...nice to meet you too" he said...Cheng xiao still have her smile on her face when he pull yibo on a hug, yibo didn't expecting the sudden hug but he also hugged back

They held each other when suddenly fanxing yelled out of nowhere that makes the two to pull away...

"Sean xiao zhan is your father?! you mean in sean!!!!"

Yibo let out a looks like he need to explained everything to fanxing now...


" you're saying is you're having an affair with cheng xiao's father?!" a guy screamed breaking the silence inside the empty classroom

"Can you lower your voice...what if cheng xiao hear you"yibo face palmed

"Answer me"

"I don't want to call it an 'affair' but I liked--no I love her father and her father felt the same way towards me" yibo answered...

"What the that's why you don't want to tell anything about Sean to me...shit, did he forced you or threatened you to do this idioticness"

Yibo runned his fingers on his hair out of frustration...he can't help but to felt slightly offended or maybe anger on fanxing...and if others call it a curse then yibo will gladly be cursed if being with Sean forever is the aftermath...

"He didn't's my own will" he answered

"So you like him"

"No...I love him"

"Did he felt the same, did he told you that he like or love you too"

"He did"

"Yibo you know that this is wrong right...Im not judging you, you're on your right age to do whatever you want but I'm just worried...I will not judge you rather I will support you...but yibo the people have different perspective about things like this...are you ready to face the consequences even it will hurt you and maybe sean too?" fanxing asked once again...yibo lift his head up and looked through fanxing's dark orbs...he can feel the sincerity and the love and care coming from his best friend

"Yes I am!"

"That's good... that's what I'm expecting...but let's changed the topic, what do you think of cheng xiao...and the hell with the 'good girlfriend'?..."

"Yes she is...but isn't it good, I think she's changing in a good way" yibo answered with a smile but deep inside him he thinks that cheng xiao is just pretending and the girl actually planning something bad...but he hoped she is changing for real...he hope!

"What if--"

"Let's not talk about this...we already skip mr.min's class don't you think we should now go"

"Ah yes yes of course..."

And with that the two left the empty room and heads towards their upcoming class....


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