Chapter 1

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Danny hated his life.
He had moved to the marvelous Arcanum City roughly a year ago, ready to 'Spread his wings and start a new life' as his mother had said.
He had accepted a college degree offer set in the city to study robotics and engineering, two of his biggest dreams to study.
So he packed his things, said goodbye to his parents, and moved to the big city,

Arcanum City was a place way ahead of its time.
By day, Arcanum City was a spectacle of contrasts. Towering skyscrapers kissed the sky, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the sun's radiant embrace. Sunlight danced upon the bustling streets, painting the city with golden hues. Sidewalks teemed with life, a vibrant stream of people weaving in and out of each other's stories. The scent of freshly brewed coffee intermingled with the aroma of street food, creating a symphony of flavors that filled the air.

But it was as the sun dipped below the horizon that Arcanum City truly came alive. Neon lights ignited, bathing the streets in an otherworldly glow. The city's heartbeats resonated through the night, the rhythm of laughter, music, and whispered conversations echoing off the walls. Clubs throbbed with pulsating energy, casting a surreal glow on the faces of revelers lost in the allure of the night.

The technology however is what held the city's fame.
Futuristic vehicles drive themselves for their human passengers, AI-powered machines working in cafes, shops, and offices, both alongside humans and alone.
The city was a dreamscape made true.

At least it appeared that way.

For behind the wonders of the city another Arcanum City existed, one hidden in the shadows. Alleyways slithered like serpents between towering structures, their depths concealing secrets darker than the night. Abandoned buildings stood as echoes of forgotten lives, their shattered windows offering a glimpse into the city's hidden stories.

In Arcanum City, wealth and poverty coexisted in an intricate dance. Luxurious penthouses cast long shadows over the poor and broken houses on the outskirts, suburbs left to crumple in their lack of wealth and protection. Corruption threaded its way through the city's veins, leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of those who dared to see beyond the glamour. Crimelords had become kings of their own worlds.

Danny had learned very quickly how dangerous this city truly was. He knew for a fact the Mid-level apartment he lived in was in fact on the outskirts of the largest Mob Family in the city.
The Obscura Family, Three siblings who ran and owned the Dark Noir Cartel, the region he lived near was under Leo Obscuras control, the youngest brother.
Though Danny avoided as much conflict as he could, he still heard whispers of the cruel and terrible crimes that happened near.
Hence why his front door had three separate locks on it.

His apartment was small but essential, it was an older structured building with only a few minor upgrades made by both him and the landlord since he had moved in. Nestled between two other apartments, a narrow staircase led to a wooden door, granting entry to his safe escape from reality. Upon entry, a living area awaited, its mismatched furnishings showing how rushed his movement in was a large TV mounted on the wall in front of the sofa, a gift from a new friend. Adjacent, a small kitchen nook boasted well-used appliances and dirty dishes still waiting to be cleaned in the sink. Another small staircase led to the second floor where a studio/bedroom setup was made.
A Queen size bed with messy dark blue sheets sat on one side of the room facing towards a ceiling-to-floor window, a perfect viewing point of the main city skyline.
The other sides of the room contained his study workspace, an advanced custom PC setup with four large monitors, perfect for his studies and side projects he conducted in his rare free time.

Currently, he didn't have much free time.

Between overdue assignments and working overtime to pay his rent, Danny's life was a constant mess.
Currently, he was seated at his desk head deep in a study book tryna find notes on "The effect on Ai in today's society" when his phone buzzed. It was just the start of the night so he knew it would be his best friend Cameron.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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