Chapter 1

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They liked to think that the occasional quiet moments were essential to one's life of peaceful living. Sitting on the porch in the cold winter's morning, a steaming cup of hot cocoa next to you, cookie watching. Crepe believed this to be the most peaceful way they could spend their time. And so, they sat in front of their house watching the light snowfall over the kingdom as the sun rose slowly.


Good thing Strawberry Crepe Cookie wasn't one to constantly count on peace. It would get much too boring after all.

"Custard, you're going to wake every cookie in the vicinity, wouldn't want to bother your subjects now, would you?"

The pink-haired cookie could hear the screech his shoes let out as the prince skidded to a harsh stop. He looked around in a panic, checking in case someone really did wake up and decide to let out their anger on the one responsible. It was foolish of course, the cookies in this kingdom were much too nice for that. Well, most of them, but Crepe isn't about to get into the nitpicks of it.

"Oh please, just get over here Custard," they beckoned him with their hand, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Ah yes! I found out why we couldn't find those scrolls the other day. As it turns out, this incredible king's skill in the art of finding-"

"You can just say breaking and entering."


"Or lockpicking."

"THAT ISN'T THE POINT CREPE," he clears his throat, "my incredible skills that were procured for only the most honest of reasons aided us in our ventures. In other words, I found a SECRET ROOM! HA HA HA I TOLD YOU THERE WOULD BE A SECRET ROOM."

Custard stood with their hands on their hips, the volume of his celebration having gone back up to when he first came to Crepe. At this point, Crepe was worried about waking everyone, especially with the news of a secret room being yelled across the town. At this rate, the room would no longer be secret.

Setting their mug of cocoa down they rushed over to the blonde and slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Okay, first off, you didn't claim a secret room you said they were hiding it that's all. And second, maybe let's not announce our findings to the entire kingdom. Hmm?"

The cookie's eyes widened and he nodded vigorously as Crepe pushed him inside, grabbing their mug off the chair as they walked in.

Shutting the door, the engineer left Custard in front of the door and wordlessly grabbed the second mug of hot chocolate. Crepe walked to the kitchen table where the blonde was putting his bag and staff down, handing him the cup. He takes it with a grateful smile.

"So, secret room? Where?"

"In the Tower of Records, of course," Custard began as the duo sat at the table, "I found a secret book lever. It's like what you see in movies!"

Crepe scoffs, "Really? A book lever? That is so lame, of course, they went the uncreative route. Why not try something new?"

"Maybe we shouldn't be so critical of it? I mean, something new may have been a little more exciting but it also would have been harder to find. The important part is I'm like 99% sure that it's in there!"

"You didn't check already?"

Custard blushes, looking away and mumbling, "Well, I kinda fell asleep right after finding it. Honestly, I'm lucky I woke up before getting caught in there. But anyway, the nerve, right? Hiding a room from the future king? I feel incredibly disrespected."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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