An Ill-tempered Successor

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Eridan swings his feet off the seat of his computer desk, waiting for some interaction. This young troll is nearing his sixth sweep within the next week. So much to prepare himself for as he ages, but instead of contemplating his plans for a promising future, he journals his stress away.

A troll of a lesser lineage would never take feelings such as his, seriously. Of course they couldn't. Every complaint of Eridan's revolved around himself, be it selfishly or not.

One Nubday awway from my wwriggling day, [Current Mood - Restless]

The time betwween noww and my dreaded wwriggling day, passes by brutally fast. Surely, the rest of my associates also knoww the feeling of their insides contorting. If not, they wwill no doubt feel it one day. Assuming so...eases my mind. Anything to keep my fear of solitude at bay.

Fef wwas the reason wwhy I recently dared to socialize on land. Makes me wwonder if she only encouraged it because she's getting tired of me.

My ancestor wwill stop near my hivve soon. I hope he showws some mercy this time. I still don't knoww howw Cronus ignores his purpose so unapologetically. I knoww he uses me as his owwn backup plan, because I still havve some chance at being useful. At least as far as they think.

I don't evven knoww howw Fef livves wwith herself. The role she has been bestowwed to fulfill one day, is nothing to scoff at, evven if anyone dared to. Although, wwhat else is to be expected wwhen the Condesce's elder successor, Meenah, has showwn evvery last drop of capability in her, that Fef doesn't evven havve to try. Wwhich she has insultingly taken advvantage of, and likely assumes that I can sit back and do the same.

Her insistence to change the hierarchy, has also put me in such a precarious position. I havve been shovved into a corner of further disappointing my ancestor by either contaminating my slurry wwith a subpar mate, or by sticking to a coral hugging pacifist that wwould make him barf.

Just as Eridan was nearly finished with his entry for that day, he was finally getting trolled. He took his time to glance at his screen, anticipating a message from one of the land dwellers that he actually enjoyed hearing from. One of them, he was attached to in a very complicated way. To his minor disappointment, it was from cuttlefishCuller. Feferi, someone he could tolerate, but unfortunately for himself, keeping her close to him felt like an obligation.

CC: )(ey -Eridam! 38D

CC: You like my new nickname for you?

CA: hey glub

CA: no i dont

CA: you knoww i dont care for nicknames

CA: so quit making them

CC: 380

CC: If I expected you to be so sour, I wouldn't )(ave bot)(ered you know?

CA: you knoww i wwill reach six swweeps soon

CA: and the first thing you think to say to me is wwhat you say to me evveryday wwhen you don't havve anything remarkable to say

CC: I care -Eridan

CC: T)(is is )(ow I s)(are t)(at!

CC: Can't )(elp being a little bubbly about it!

CC: You mig)(t learn to be t)(e same someday once you find a milestone you can anc)(ovy enjoy

CA: please tell me wwhy you felt like bothering me

CA: there's alwways a reason wwith you

CC: W)(ale, your ancestor's coming

CC: I )(ope you're not too worried

CC: )(onestly, it's been affecting me a bit and I just want you to be okay

CA: you say you wworry about me, and you lead wwith calling me a nickname you knoww i wwont be fond of

CA: clearly, there is nothing to wworry about if that's the levvel of urgency you havve for me glub

CC: You know t)(at's not w)(at I mean

CC: I don't want you to give up t)(e friends you made lately

CC: You )(ave sounded a lot )(appier lately, especially after getting to know ")(im"

CC: And now, you're back to your moping shellf

CA: i'm just stressed okay?

CA: remember, i can take care of myself

CA: you can't savve me from evverything, and i don't wwant you to

CA: i promise, i wwill be better once this is all ovver

-Chat ended-

Eridan, now no longer motivated to lounge in self pity and anticipation, stared at his calendar. Dualscar was scheduled to come one day after Eridan's wriggling day. Which was six days from now.

His looming presence delivered his messages loud and clear without uttering a single word. Being an Ampora meant you were high on the hemospectrum, and thus superior in several varieties. However, Eridan couldn't be on board with such a dated concept just yet. He know that was how he was meant to feel, but his feelings had to be matched some other way than pure organic means.

The violet blood debated tweaking his acting skills to fit the part, but having no progress to show for such ideology would cave the ceiling on that, right through.

Before he could dive deeper into his thoughts, he received another message. One from someone...special to him. Even if it was wrong by every hierarchal regard.

Author's Note (Important): I hope you guys are intrigued so far. To be transparent, I will only continue this story If you guys want to find out how this unfolds. Otherwise, I will just plot from time to time, but mainly focus on my novel instead. As long as I have engagement, I will keep this story going until it is finished. 

Now, who is this mysterious friend??? Find out next time on DragonBall Z! jk

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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