Chapter 1

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            It was late, and I was trying to finish up some homework. Leave it to me to leave everything to the last minute. I was trying to speed through it, and finally finished at 3 A.M. Obviously I didn't get no sleep, cause my alarm went off 3 hours later. I got up groggily and started to get dressed, not looking forward to school. I arrived at the bus stop, and found that my bff was already there. She was always a early bird. 

"Hey, girlfriend!" she said with a perky attitude and a smile.

"Hey......" I said with zero enthusiasm. I was not in the mood for her sunshine attitude. She stared at me.

"Well, what happened to you? You look horrible." she said as she saw my state. It was true, I looked like a mess, but I didn't need her telling me that.

"Thanks." I said flatly. 

"Hmm.....let me guess. You stayed up late because you always leave your homework to the last minute?" she said innocently, but she knew she was right. 

I rolled my eyes. Aleeza was always lecturing me. She was a good student and always had her things in check. Unlike me. I was all over the place. Half the time, I don't even know what I'm doing.....guess God knew I needed a person like her, but right now I wasn't grateful for her, I was just annoyed.

"Yes yes. I know, ok? Some students are not built for the school life, alright?" 

Aleeza rolled her eyes in turn. "Well did you finish it, Y/n?"

I just looked at her like "well duh! Can't you see how I look?" But I just said yes.

"Ok good. Then there's nothing to worry about. Look the bus is coming. Let's go."

We got on the bus, and went to our seats. I really wasn't ready for this school day, but as with everything in life, you have to do things you don't want to do. I decided I wanted to catch up on my sleep, so I immediately closed my eyes. I was about to doze off when the bus came to a stop, and opened its doors to let someone else on. I didn't open my eyes, and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Then, all of a sudden, my backpack fell on the aisle. I opened my eyes, and saw a guy walking away. This dude just knocked my backpack over, I thought. I had it open, and everything fell out. Books, papers, and pens. I saw a few roll all the way to the back. I rolled my eyes and groaned, picked it up, and looked to see who the heck it was. When I saw who did it, I just rolled my eyes again. It was Sunghoon. He was kinda the bad boy of the school, everyone knew that. It was annoying to have to deal with his mood swings. He was worst than me on my period. But today I was in a mood, and I wasn't gonna put up with his crap.

"Hey! My bag was right there!" I said, which made Sunghoon turn and look at me.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have had it on the edge of the seat."

"Well, you could've at least said you were sorry or helped me pick up my stuff!" I shot back.

"It's not my fault you didn't have your bag zipped."

I just looked at this dude. Are you serious? I thought. I wanted to pound him. But, I decided I didn't want that on my school record. I was about to say something, ( nothing to counter his comeback sadly) but the bus driver interrupted me.

"Hey! No fighting on my bus! Y/n, you should've had your bag together. Sunghoon, stop being a jerk and help her pick up her stuff. I need everyone to be seated so I can get this rust bucket moving. I have no time for this!" he shouted. 

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, and picked up three pens that were on the floor. He held up his hand and waited for me to take them. "Here." He said annoyed. I took them from him, and then he just walked back to his seat and sat. Wow, great help, I thought. I continued to pick up my stuff, and stuffed it in my bag. What a great start to my morning. I sat back down roughly, and moved my hair out of my face. I just looked straight ahead. I really wasn't in the mood. I could feel Aleeza looking at me, but I didn't look back. She tapped my shoulder.

"Don't let him rub you the wrong way. You know how he is. He's always on his period. Let's just have a good day."

I looked at her. "Yeah, but he didn't have to act that way. He's so annoying."

"Shhh. Before he hears."

"Let him." I said roughly.

                                                                   *TIME SKIP*

        We were in math class, and I wasn't paying attention to the teacher. Today was one of those days where I wanted to burn school. So I just sat there, acting like I was taking notes. Soon, the bell rang, indicating lunch. My favorite subject. I excelled at it. So, Aleeza and I lined up in the lunch line, and before I knew it, it was our turn. I already got my food, and was waiting for Aleeza to choose between pudding and a muffin for dessert. She was always indecisive with everything.

"Um...... let's see. Muffin or pudding? What do I feel like eating?" she said to herself.

"Just get the dang muffin and let's go." said a voice behind her. It was Sunghoon. At the sight of him I rolled my eyes. True, she was taking forever, and holding up the line. Aleeza wasn't the one to fight or argue, so she didn't say anything but proceeded to pick the muffin. But before she did, I shot back at Sunghoon. "You know you could learn to have patience."

He just looked at me like 'I don't give a heck what you say.' And Aleeza grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the food line.

"Hey, just let it go. I don't want to fight with him." she said. I just looked away from her. I was too hungry to fight back. I needed to refuel. I sat with her, and I noticed Sunghoon kept staring at me with a cold look. I diverted my eyes away from him, and focused on Aleeza, who was looking at her muffin sadly.

"I should've got pudding.........."

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