Chapter 5

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   Mr. Lee went in first to talk to principal Perez, then he called Alex in. So it was just Sunghoon and I alone. Together. In the room. I only looked up about twice, but Sunghoon wasn't looking at me. His eyes shot straight ahead, like he was in a deep slumber. Kinda like a coma, but his eyes were open. I continued to look down. Oh, why did I speak up? I..........I shouldn't have.........but I had too. I just had too. was wrong to walk off like that. Even if I didn't like Sunghoon, it was still wrong.

"Why did you help me?" A voice cut through my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said.

"Why did you help me?" Sunghoon repeated.

I stayed quiet for a few moments.

" were telling the truth. I saw what happend. I saw Alex put those cigarettes in your bag. I........I couldn't just let you get in trouble while I knew you didn't deserve too.........."

Sunghoon stared back at me, and for a moment his eyes seemed to soften. I couldn't believe what I just said. He probably now thought I was soft or something. Quickly, I covered up my last statement.

"But, um....don't worry about it." I said and looked away from him.

"Well...... I don't know what kind of game your playing, but I could've handled it."

I quickly looked at him.

"What?" I said.

"I said I've could've handled it." He repeated.

Was this dude serious? Why in the heck was he being like this?

"Um, what game? I don't play games. You probably could've handled it, and I should've let you if this was how you were going to be." I said back.

Sunghoon opened his mouth to speak, but just then Mr. Lee and Alex came out.

"All right. Mr. Park, it's your turn. Let's go." Mr. Lee said as Alex went to sit down. Sunghoon looked at me one last time before he got up and followed Mr. Lee into the office. Alex sat down with 6 chairs in between us, and he was not happy. If Sunghoon was trying not to look at me, Alex was his total opposite. He stared hardcore at me, I could practically feel his eyes burning a hole through me. I tried not to look at him. I was already ticked off with Sunghoon that I was trying not to get into it with this one. Sadly, though, he spoke.

"Hey!" He said harshly, "I don't know what's your deal, but STAY out of my business. Unless you want to deal with me too."

I rolled my eyes, "Look vato, I don't even want a piece of you. Believe me, I wish I could take back what I've done."

Alex stared at me with confusion at first, then he resumed his tough guy scare, although it wasn't working.

"Well, you better watch your back."

"Of course." I simply said.

Finally it was my turn, and as I walked to the office, Sunghoon shot me a quick glance as he walked to his seat. I ignored him, and headed straight on. Once I was inside I sat in the seat in front of the desk, and Mr. Lee went over to principal Perez and stood beside her. She sat in front of me, and spoke.

"Miss James, I think you know why your here. So let's get to the point. Tell me exactly what happened and what you saw."

I really didn't even want to tell her. I was thinking of just saying that the cigarettes were Sunghoon's, but after my strong defense for him, I would look pretty stupid.........and also my morals got the best of me. So I told them the truth, and they seemed to believe me, but I couldn't be too sure. Principal Perez just nodded as I was retelling everything, and when I was done, Mr. Lee escorted me out. He told me to wait with the others, and Principal Perez and him would be out shortly. I walked over to the seats, and sat the farthest I could from both boys. Sooner than I expected, both adults came out and stood in front of us. They seemed to have reached a verdict, and right now I didn't really care if it went against Sunghoon.

"Students," the principal started out, "Mr. Lee and I have reached a conclusion based on the arguments you gave."

I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen next. I looked over at Sunghoon and he seemed to be holding his too.

"Mr. Roberts, please see your homeroom teacher for 4 days of after school detention. Mr. Park, you are free to go. Based on what you kids told us, the only story that seemed truthful were yours, Mr. Park, and yours Ms. James. Mr. Roberts' didn't add up, and based on his reputation at this school, it was most likely him who made this whole fiasco."

Alex was livid. He got up from his seat, and started going off. Which I thought was stupid, since he already got caught. No use of saving yourself now.

"What!? No! It is Sunghoon's! Him and his girlfriend were plotting against me! They never liked me. Y/n always had this thing against me."

Upon hearing my name, I started to speak. "Um, actually Mr. Roberts, I never formally met you until now. We have never spoken to each other before now, so how can I automatically have a grudge against you?"

Alex stared at me, unable to say anything, and I looked away in triumph. This dude was NOT gonna put me in this mess. And he thought I was Sunghoon's girlfriend. Psh~ as if. I would never date him, and if there was anyone I had a grudge with, it was with him.

"Well, then that's settled. Mr. Roberts, today will be your first school detention. If you miss it, then an extra day will be added. So, please, I advise you to go. Mr. Park and Ms. James, you may leave now." Principal Perez turned to Sunghoon and me. And I was about to get up, when that dummy Alex spoke again.

"But how could you believe them! They----"

"Mr. Roberts." Principal Perez was getting impatient now. "You don't have the cleanest track record. So maybe you should try and fix it so you can be more believable. Please leave."

Alex stared at the principal for a second before he stormed out of the room. Sunghoon and I looked at each other for a split second, but then Mr. Lee spoke.

Ok kids, you may leave. Lunch was over 10 minutes ago. Get to your classes. Just tell the teachers Principal Perez needed you."

Sunghoon got up, and walked out of the sitting area. 2 seconds later, I followed him. As I walked, I stared at his back. I can't believe I missed lunch for this chiz. And he wasn't even grateful. Jerk. I turned into my next class, and everyone stared at me.

"Ms. James. Your late." My history teacher said.

"Sorry, Mrs. Luna. Principal Perez needed me."

"Oh? What for?"

I inwardly rolled my eyes. I freaking really didn't want to get into it, so I just said, "Nothing important." Then I went to my seat and sat down. I could feel Aleeza's eyes on me the whole time I went to my seat. I could still feel her staring at me now. She probably wanted to know what the heck had happened, but I really didn't feel like talking about it. Like I said, it was nothing important.

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