Part 2

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First meeting

After finishing the mission JK and his members came to a club to reduce some stress, although it's just a excuse but the main reason is they were tracking someone.

JK : "it's time for fun, are you guys ready?"

Yoongi " everything is ready JK just waiting for our pray."

Namjoon got a call " hello baby. "

?? " joon, I'm going to see my grand parents, something urgent came up. "

" okay baby, take care of yourself and take some gaurds with you if anything happens just call me. I'll be there ..hmm" Namjoon said as a small smile adored his face.

" okk my caring hubby, you also take care okay ...i love you"

"love you too baby" Namjoon said and cuts the call.

Everyone was looking at Namjoon.

"Jin is going to see his grand parents, he'll be back in a few days." Everyone nodded after listening to elder

"alert, our target is here" Yoongi said in a husk and they split into different directions.

JK was sitting on a large couch and drinking. He saw a girl coming towards him.

A guy, with some gaurds entered in club and sit there . He was looking like a business man. He ordered something and looks around then his secretary called someone.

" hello Mr Park, where are you?  We're already here. Ok please come fast boss is waiting for you."

JK touched his earpiece and said" don't hit the target, he is meeting someone,wait for a new person, let's see who can make him wait, it's gonna be interesting" he smirk and darkly looks forward.

It's already half an hour but no one shows. JK was full on anger he was about to say something but some gaurds entered and started shooting his target . He quickly bent down and go to side and signal his mans to not to shoot and just watch . Everyone was confused about what he is doing.


A man in all black clothes enter in club. He was wearing a black mask.

Who is he"? JK thought but he didn't  see his face cause his back facing him .

?? "hello Mr Ritt."

Ritt: V-V .....he widened his eyes looking at the male before himself.

V :ohh ! So you still remember me i thought you forgot that's why you are not paying back.

Ritt- confused" i don't understand what are you saying... V....

Anger covers V's boby and his aura become darker, his ocean blue eyes become dark . He clich the Jew of Mr Ritt and bent down to his level and coldly said "ofcourse you don't remember but don't worry I'll make sure you remember everything before death comes to you".

V raised his hand and show a tattoo on his wrist. Ritts eyes widened. He couldn't utter a single word. But after some time he hardly spoke with shaken voice "n-no-no--this-is--not-possible-- who-are--you??boss--said-he killed all-- m-members of ---that gang--so-- who-- are-- you?? He said hardly.

V grab his own hair harshly. He took his gun out and point on Ritts head than bent down and clich his jew and said in anger -

"your boss made a mistake by killing my loved ones, I will make his life living hell, he'll regret being alive, i promise i'll show him hell on the earth he'll join you soon! Good bye Mr Ritt ", and V shoot his head.

V: clean this mess and meet me in my office in half an hour.

All the members can feel the anger and disappointment in that dark and deep voice of their boss.

None the less all nodded their head in agreement.

V and Jimin sit in the car and leave the place without realising what commotion they created in mafia's mind.

As a certain person looking at them amusingly. He smirk . Yes it's none other than mafia King Jk.
Jk came to the club to killed Ritt but someone already did that but he was not angry.

Namjoon came and said  "Jk i know you're angry because you never let go your pown to somebody else but Ritt is already dead, let's go" and he pated Jk's sholder but get shocked when he see Jk is smiling. He rubbed his eyes and he sees clearly yes! I'm not dreaming. Jk is smiling.

Jk: Yoongi!
He came" yes boss".
Jk" I want every information about him".
Yoongi" about whom" ??
Jk : that masked man, i want him in my mansion, but be careful he is not an easy task."

he smirk and walk to his car and everyone follow him. 

Please ignore any grammatical mistake.

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