Chapter 2

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As she feels the sharp bite of the crop land across the soft cheeks of her ass, it leaves the familiar sting along her skin. As her back arches to fight the pain, she begins to push herself back, aching to feel his punishment. She opens her eyes to look back, and sees him watching her, studying her. As he stood firm, waiting patiently, she knew what was expected, and did not disappoint.
"One, thank you Daddy."
If not for her own distraction, she swears she saw the corners of his lips curl into a smirk in the corner of her eye, but she knows better than to push further now, just as she would never admit that she enjoys the punishment just as much as the reason for it.
"You're welcome, my love."
The words have barely left his mouth when the crop came down, whipping her harshly on her supple behind yet again, sending a shockwave through her entire being that made her knees quiver and her arms pull at the restraints. With her hands gripping the straps, white knuckles exploring her excitement, she purred at him.
"Two, thank you Daddy."
He pulls the crop back in his hand, to deliver a short, sharp downward strike on her backside, leaving her pushing herself back in hunger, pulling the restraints taut between her arms and the bed frame.
"Three, thank you Daddy."
He slowly brings the crop to the bottom of her back, stroking it softly and gently along her skin, making every nerve ending in her body scream out for him. She feels a shiver run from the crop throughout her entire body, like an electric charge building within her. Just as she is enjoying the feel of the leather running along her skin, he lifts the crop, leaving her aching for more. She barely has time to adjust to how it felt before he brings it back down on her ass harshly, forcing a gasp from her lips before she goes back to what she knows is expected.
"Four, thank you Daddy."
She feels the skin on her ass glow and radiate heat as she breathes in and holds it for a few seconds, bracing herself for the next strike. As she waits patiently, she feels the second growing within her mind into am eternity, her anticipation builds. As she wonders what could be causing him to stop, she tentatively begins to form the words, fighting her urge to make a sarcastic comment.
The very second the sound escapes from her lips, the crop came down as an extention of his arm. The leather feeling like it is attempting to go straight through her skin to the muscle below to imprint itself on her.
"Fuck! Five, thank you daddy!"
Her language surprises him, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he observes the red spreading across her skin, her ass lighting up the scene before him.
He starts delicately caressing the leather along the supple flesh of her inner thighs, teasing her, building her pleasure. As she holds her breath, the anticipation building within her, she feels her wet pussy pulsing in excitement. As the crop massages against her engorged clit, building her orgasm deeper and deeper inside her, she gasps as he grabs her hair, turning her face towards him, her eyes wide with desire as she begins to plead for relief between short, sharp, panting breaths.
"Please Daddy, may I...?"
He looks deep into her eyes, holding her gaze as he throws the crop away and replaces it with the rough skin of his free hand, expertly massaging her clitoris with his thumb as he plunges his fingers deep into her wet, hungry can't, dragging her head up roughly with a handful of her hair to look deep into her eyes as her juices drip down her thighs.
She has longed for this and desperately pushes her body back into him, grinding her need pussy and throbbing clit onto his rough, muscular hand. As she feels hum roughly pound into her and toy with her body, her juices run down his hand drip to the floor below and she begs for the release she craves so badly.
"Please Daddy!" She cannot think, her mind blanks as she seeks his blessing to release her body into complete and utter bliss. "Please, may I come?"
He leans down over her body, pumping his fingers deeper and deeper into her pussy, furiously rubbing at her clit as she screams for him, her entire body shuddering and her legs weaken behind her. Just as she feels she would never get the release she was so desperately craving, she hears his voice purposefully whisper a single phrase into her ear, bringing he everything she needed and more.
"You may cum, my good little slut! I want you to cover Daddy's hands in your juices, so that you get to taste yourself on me while I take advantage of your compromising position."
And with that, the floodgates open, her pussy contracting around his fingers as her legs clamped close like a vice around his wrist. With his free hand pushing her head down against the bed, her screams fill the room as she loses complete and total control. His hand drips with her juices as she feels her quivering body buckle beneath him, waiting for the moment that his hands leave her gaping can't open so that she can taste her essence.
As she feels his fingers stretching her trembling pussy to reach every inch inside her, they bring her deeper and deeper into her submission and she feels pleasure engulf her over and over. With each wave her mind empties more and more as the only thing she can think of is being a good Babygirl for her Daddy.
As her orgasm begins to subside, she feels him remove his fingers and opens her mouth to recieve them. He releases her head from his grip too, and she is finally able to lift her face from the bed. Looking around, she sees that the light seeping in through the crack in the curtains has disappeared and through the gap, all she can see is the darkness of night.
Just as she begins to breath peacefully, she feels his drenched hand push her head back into place, his fingers slipping down her face and into her mouth, flooding her tongue with the taste of her luscious vulva as she sucks every drop from him.
"And who said we were done, my perfect little toy? We have a whole night ahead of us yet!"

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