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'It was a dark silent everyone was sleeping peacefully in their houses thinking nothing bad is going to happen.'
While one house was not so silent and not so safe, Manjiro sano also known as the undefeated mickey was the most wanted man in japan he was the leader of a mafia gang called bonten.
Manjiro has white bleached  hair with the bonten tattoo in his neck with black obsidian eyes he always wear black outfit that was oversized.
Everyone said the he was ruthless souless and cold to everyone who was his enemy but deep inside he was just a person who lost everything he cared for.
(Damn I'm making this sound so depressing this was going to be the chapter he meets mah son Yes he mah child but guess thier not meeting today)
He was just a damaged soul who needs something or someone to heal him.'
'Sanzu akashi (or whatever his real name I can't spell it)
He was the second in command of the great mafia gang he had pink hair with beautiful pink eyelashes and blue diamond eye color eyes with two dimond shape scars on each of the sides of his mouth, he wore purple and pinkish outfit with feathers around his collar .
While Manjiro is ruthless and will kill you right after he is done playing around with you Sanzu will torture you halve to death and will get high and start making your life miserable.
He is a dry addict and with an unstable obsession with his king.
The haitani twins are the two of the exutives that Manjiro has chosen to be.
They both have light purple hair with a high lights of dark purple and dark purple eyes, they both don't have the same hair styles the younger twin has a jelly fish hair style he has a dark green suit with light green stripes.
Unlike his older brother he has short patient s and gets mad very quickly, his name is rindou hainati.
Ran hainati has a tooth paste kind of hair style he also has a dark purple suit with light purple stripes and unlike his brother he is much more silly he like to play around and make jokes.
Kokonoi Hajime has white long hair with three rectangle shapes on the other side of his hair ( I can't describe his hair design) with black sharp cat eyes.
He has like this red dress suit or whatever it is.
He is the banker of the gang and has a very sassy aittued he like himself more than anything except money he loves money.
Kakucho hitto (I think that's how it's spelled idk)
He is an executive of the gang he has black hair with red ish purple ish stripes in his hair he has scar across his face that blinds his left eye.
He we're a black suit that he unbouckles his shirt and you can see his abs.
Unlike the others he is very nice but also cold to his enemies he is like the mother of the group.
Takoemi akashi he is the older brother of Sanzu and an executive of the gang he has black hair with a white high light in the right side of the hair he also has a scar in his right eye (I think idk) he has a black suit with white feathers around his collar.
Takoemi he is very serious and likes to smoke all the time but he has a weakness his little sister (but we will save her for later)
Kanji mochizuki he is also an executive of the gang he is also very serious like takoemi but the thing is people are scared of him because of how big he is and how scary he looks.
He has blondish kind of hair with a brown mastashe
He has yellow and black suit.

-653 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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