What a Nice Surprise

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      Sitting in my room, I had just put on a record and decided to work on my college essay. I glance over at the clock. "11:27 pm", I sigh. It had gotten later than I thought and I was only halfway done with the assignment. After a few more minutes I sleepily decide to save the rest for the morning and plop down on my bed. Tap tap. Huh? Something's at my window. I figure it's a bird since my room is on the second floor and ignore it. A few moments later, tap tap. Ugh. Why does my house attract all the birds, I think to myself. I get out of bed and pull the blinds up. "AH!" I scream falling back into my bed. "Chat! You can't just show up like that", I tell him angrily. Yeah, that's right, turns out it wasn't a bird, but it was the famous French Persian hero, Chat Noir. He's apparently down here visiting family for the summer, or so he says but whose to really know. Anyways he helped me find my lost dog this one time, which is kind of ironic, but now he visits every now and again. He usually tells me when he's going to visit, I guess not tonight though. "Sorry, I was out on a stroll and decided to stop by", Chat says, clearly a little nervous. "It's fine you just startled me, come in, it's cold out there", I open the window letting him in, then shutting it behind him. I quickly straighten up around my room a bit. "Sorry it's messy, I.. wasn't expecting anyone." Quickly, Chat says "that's okay, we won't be here long." I look over at him, confused. "What do you mean?" I question. He shifts his weight back and forth before answering. "I uh prepared a little something for us. Hope you're hungry", he laughs nervously. "Oh?" I say, "let me grab my shoes and bag." A few moments later Chat is helping me out of my window and onto the roof. "Careful there, now hold tight!" Chat exclaims as he uses his baton to swing us to his 'surprise'. "Close you're eyes, we're almost there" Chat says, practically yelling so I can hear him over the wind. I shut my eyes tightly and I feel my feet hit the floor. Chat takes my hand and we start walking, my eyes still closed. We stop. "Okay, open". I open my eyes and see a super excited chat noir, and a beautiful candlelight picnic behind him. Taking another look at my surroundings I see we are at a park with a big lake in front of us. "Oh my god" it's beautiful I think. "Isn't it beautiful?" Chat says, " when I found this spot I knew I had to take you here". I smile at him and take a seat on the picnic blanket. "I love it, thank you Chat " I say, my chest feels warm. "This is so thoughtful". Chat rushes over to what looks like a shoe sized box on the ground. "That's not even the best part, check this", he clicks a button and a projection starts showing on the sheet next to us that's hanging from a tree branch. "I thought this would be more fun if we watched a movie while we ate, so I bought this bad boy from my favorite thrift store and set it up" he cackles as he says this, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Woah! Awesome, I've never used one of these before" I say, "what movie are we watching" I ask excitedly, fixated to know what it could possibly be. "Its....drum roll please.." dodododododo..! He begins making drumming noises. "Hurry and tell me Chat!" I yell, lightly hitting his arm. "Lady and the Tramp!" He yells back, Stars in his eyes. "I thought it represented us M'lady", he winks. I roll my eyes and help portion out the food before we begin the movie. A few moments go by and we get comfy in our blanket and Chat turns the movie on. We silently watch the movie while making jokes here and there and eating our delicious meals. "You kind of remind me of the Tramp chat, you guys have the same vibe" I say, laughing. "Is that good or bad?" Chat says, looking me in the eyes to try and get a read at my thoughts. I quickly look away as I can't maintain eye contact with his beautiful sage green orbs and muster out a weak, " it's good" before turning my attention back to the movie. I didn't think he realized what just happened, so I took a peak at him, and he was beet red! Why did I have to make this so awkward. But I try to focus on the movie once again in hopes it will calm my thoughts. We're towards the end of the movie now and then it'll be over, but there's one problem. The famous spaghetti scene is next! I try to prepare myself, "don't look at him, don't look, don't look" Ah I looked! And right when they kissed!! Omg this is so embarrassing, we make eye contact and I quickly turn away. "Hey" he lifts my arm up and lays down on my lap, looking up at me. "You don't mind, do you?" He looks at me hopefully. "No, it's fine, let's just watch the movie" I nervously look away from his green catlike iris. The credits have begun to roll and I look down to speak, only to find the Persian hero fast asleep on my lap. "He really is like a cat" I think to myself. I check my phone and it's around 2:56am now. I knew I should've been worried about my assignment and how I have school in just a few hours from now, but all I could think of was the lovely candlelit picnic dinner I just had, and being careful to not wake the sleeping kitten who was resting gently on my lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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