Chapter 1

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    "Stupid Bitch!", Tyrese exclaims , planting another blow to Nicki's ribs. The hits come rapid and heavy like raindrops hitting the pavement. Her head begins to spin and through her half closed eye she watches a fist come forward, connecting with her jaw. Her head jerks violently causing it all to go black. Everything moves in motion, images of their first date,first time  making love,so passionately,to day they vowed to spend their lives together, her all white gown and his charming smile. Who knew in just 4 would be like this?

    I attempt to peel my eyes open, unfortunately- only one decides to cooperate. The other feels like a throbbing golf ball trying to burst from beneath the lid. It hurts but my scalp burning and the aching of my ribs outweigh the pain. Bright lights are beaming above me and the room seems completely white. "Nicki", a familiar voice calls. Deshaun walks over and lightly squeezes my hand. Inhale his cologne and squint at him until my vision focuses. I begin to take in his appearance, ashamed of my own. He's about 5'9, a deep caramel complexion, fresh fade and always smelling good. And I'm laying in a hospital bed covered in cuts, knots and bruises. 

            Each time I breathe I feel Tyrese's fists all over again. "I can't believe this shit...the first time I see you in 7 months- and it had to be like this. Where is that bitch ass nigga?! How long has he been hitting you?", he says in a low but frustrated voice.  "I-I just made him mad, he's not a bad person,he just has a temper. " I don't know who I'm trying to convince more; me or him. I've been telling myself to love him unconditonally, look over his anger problems and be a good wife, because that's what marriage is supposed to be about.

The moment his parts his lips to lecture me, Tyrese walks in. I swear I saw his eyes flash red as the flowers hit the floor. "What the fuck goin' on in here?!" he exclaims while pushing past chairs trying to get to Deshaun.  "What the fuck you mean what's going on? Nigga you a bitch! puttin' yo pussy ass hands on a female we can get shit bussin' right now! come outside G!!" Deshaun screams, rushing towards him.

"SECURITY!! HELP, THEY'RE FIGHTING!", The small red headed nurse frantically shrieks. Tyrese and Deshaun are neck and neck when the guards rush in tackling Tyrese right before he can reach for the 9 inch blade he keeps on him at all times. I stay quiet, trying not to draw attention to myself in fear that Tyrese will have more animosity towards me. I look over at Deshaun seeing his jaw clench as he grabs his jacket. "I'll call you later", he mumbles before leaving the room. I can  faintly hear Tyrese down the hall, I can already tell he's about to go drink.

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