Chapter One - A Somewhat Normal Day

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I watched my twin as he beat up some assholes from the rivaling high school, currently I was more so focused on cleaning up the broken glass, flowers, and picture of the spirit girl who was clinging onto my school uniform's sleeve. I just sighed, glancing at my brother as I finished cleaning up the mess. I shook my head as my twin kicked one in the face. I watched, unamused as he yelled at the trio. Soon after that fiasco, can he like not start a fight once in a while? Please? We continued on home after saying goodbye to the spirit, of course.

Again, I watched completely unamused as dad kicked my orange haired, golden eyed, twin in the face. A few seconds later I was pulled into a hug by our father, both my bag and guitar case fell to the ground. My father was patting my head as he argued with Ichigo... why were they so alike? Soon, I somehow successfully escape the death traps my dad calls a huge. I watched as the father, son, duo fought, simple sighing as I walked over and began to make a plat for me, Ichigo, and dad. I watched again as a new ghost appeared. I laughed at Karin at her words. Agreeing with her whole heartedly. Now don't get me wrong, I love the spirits, but damnit if the6 dint get annoying every now and again.

Sighing I grabbed Ichigo's plat and walked up the stairs, completely ignoring my father and his idiotic behavior. "He just worries about us Ichi." My twin looked to me.
"I know Masa."
"You need to eat. I brought up your food."
"Thanks sis." I just sighed, shaking my head as I sat down the food then left for my own bedroom. Sighing, I rubbed the sides of my head. I then looked around my bedroom. Once again sighing as I realized the window curtains were open. So I walked over to them, leaning over my desk and chair I closed the curtains. A few seconds later I sat down in the see through red chair and got started on my homework. Soon it was dark, so huffing, I stood up and went over to my bed, adjusting the pillows and pulling back my sheets I climbed into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up early, turning on the tv I listened to the news as I made breakfast

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The next morning I woke up early, turning on the tv I listened to the news as I made breakfast. I simple nodded to dad as he left and made sure the younger twins, Karin and Yuzu, and my own twin ate their own breakfasts. Soon after Ichigo and I where walking to school when we both heard a scream. Before either of us could think we where running, well I was running after my idiotic brother. I gasped at the sight, my mind flashing to a certain creature, a hollow, dad had told me, I grabbed my brother and pushed the spirit in front of us. Grabbing her by the neck, I ran, dragging my brother after me, as I pushed the spirit with us. We both watched as a girl dressed in a strange black outfit appeared. Internally I cussed. A soul reaper. Dad had briefly told me about those as well. My hand moved to a hidden scar starting at the brim of my stomach, just below my belly button, up to my left shoulder.

Something told me things where changing, and I didn't like that.

That same night, I had brought dinner up to my brother. The moment I walked in was when Ichigo had kicked the poor girl. I turned on the light and watched as the said soul reaper began to speak to the idiotic orange haired boy. I cut Ichigo off. "We both can." The girl jumped.
"Wha!" I cut her off. Looking to my twin.
"Ichigo, dinner."
"Oh, thanks sis." I looked to the female.
"Sorry for cutting you off. But I'm Kurosaki Masako, and this is my younger brother. Ichigo."
"Your only fifteen seconds older!"
"Still older!" I snapped back. Then I looked to the girl. "Now what and who are you?" Better to lie then give away the truth. "I mean your clearly not a spirit. And your clearly not human," I cut myself off before I could continue. I would have given myself away. Ichigo beging, well Ichigo, ended up pissing off the girl and trapping him. I just watched as she restrained my brother with some kind of restraint. Soon after the soul reaper sent the spirit back, then began to explain things to us. She ended up drawing a mustache on my twin, out of annoyance, I applauded her. She grinned and did a mock bow. We laughed together as Ichigo glared at me, I just stuck my tongue out at him. Then, I laughed at him, his attempt at puppy dog eyes were amusing, so were his little crocodile tears. Soon the girl continued to speak. I mainly tuned her out, but I still pretended that I was listening.

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