Chapter 5: No Rest for the Wicked

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The Black Knights have been focusing on a highly favored and addictive drug called "Refrain", which allows its users to experience their happiest memories at a severe cost to themselves. They have been targeting dealers and their supplies.

You, meanwhile, have targeted production facilities and those that are forcing people into that work. However, the constant missions at night have caused yourself to fall asleep in class a few times.

Like right now. You currently have your head on you desk.

"I need to have some nights where I just sleep," you thought. "The toll I've taken has happened faster than I thought it would."

Kallen: "The Black Knights!"

Everyone became surprised at her random outburst and then laughed.

"Real smooth, Kallen," you muttered.

Once school ended, you walked through the school grounds and saw Kallen.

Kallen: "Oh, hey Y/N."

"Hey, Kallen. How are you doing?"

Kallen: "I may have been staying up a little too late."

"Really? Well, me too, actually. I think tonight I'm just going to sleep and not wake up at all until morning."

Kallen: "That already sounds like a great plan. I think I might do that, too."

The King and The Queen (Kallen Stadtfeld x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now