Befriending the slime queen.

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Human,Male,40 years

slime(humanoid form),Female,100 years

*Doing some rounds Lone surveys the usual area for clues on a monster sighting, going off into a path he never been to he hears something inside the bush*

Human: what's that noise?

*as he leans closer to look a slime monster jumps out of the bush*

Slime Monster: AHHH

*She shouts in an attempt to scare away the human*

Human: Ah a slime monster, please don't hurt me

*yelling as he falls over at the sight of a monster*

Slime monster: wha-what?, why do all humans assume I will hurt them.

Human: oh you can talk? And you're not going to hurt me?

Slime monster: No why would I, I'm a slime, we're harmless you know, no claws or fangs or horns or spikes!

*she puts her shapeless appendages on what looks like is supposed to her hips*

Human: w-well I don't really know much about monsters, we were taught they're all violent and killers.

*the monster looks abit saddened by this but doesn't dwell on it*

Slime monster: well you know we all aren't that bad, I don't understand you humans.

*she felt abit disappointed in the human*

Human: what do you mean you don't understand us?

*she tilts her gelatinous head to the side*

Slime monster: you humans in general, your weird rituals and culture and those fabrics you cover yourselves with.

*She pouts, her shapeless cheeks swell*

*the human gets up and pats the dust and dirt off himself*

Human: Oh I see, I don't understand monsters all too well either so we both at a loss.

*the monster looks at the human with a proposal*

Slime monster: I don't usually talk to humans but it's because they run away or try to hurt me, you haven't done those so I'm giving you a chance.

Human: I'm listening?

*she sighs*

Slime monster: I lost my litter due to you humans awhile ago and I'm abit lonely right now, since we don't know much about each other...want to be as you humans say "friends".

*She asked nervously almost wanting to stop asking but she had a little hope in the humans response*

Human: Friends? With me?

Slime monster: Well yes.

*The human grabs his chin and thinks about it for awhile, the monster sees this and gets quite anxious*

Human: I don't see why not, I mean it would help us be more familiar with each other and learn humankind and monsterkind so I see why not, yes I'll be your friend.

*She seems shocked and relieved by his answer*

Eru: Perfect my name's Eru, Queen of the slimes, and the last member of my litter.

*Lone looks abit guilty from saying shes the last member, almost like he caused it*

Lone: My name's Lone, chief of the nearby village, nice to meet you.

*he reaches out his hand in order to shake Eru's "hand"*

*Eru shapes her appendage into a womens hand, Lone sees the familiar shape of her hand but doesn't dwell on it too long*

Eru: Well are you going to shake or not.

Lone: Oh, Yes sorry.

*he shakes her hand and vivid images appear in his mind, memories long forgotten, He's taken aback by what he's remembering, Quickly releasing from the shake*

Lone:I'm...Sorry..I just remembered something, Something I forced to forget.

*lones behavior changed, he became more melancholy this time*

Eru: Oh its probably my body, I don't know why but us slimes have some neurological abilities, We effect other creatures, influence their minds or suppress memories, and other times like now bring back memories forgotten.

*Lone seems intrigued by Eru's statement*

Lone: I never knew slimes had such properties, that is very interesting.

Eru: Want me to show you more?

*Lone seemed abit hesitant but ultimately agreed*

Lone:yes, that would nice.
(Help this is so bad, its my first time doing this so my flow and style might be abit well wrong but i enjoyed making this, I'll maybe try making part 2 sometime next week but we'll see, im very lazy this took me the whole day)
End of this part folks<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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