Bonus part 1

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Y/n: Jin, I am out for a walk.
Jin: Okay, but be back in 30 min. Dinner will soon be ready. And whatever you do, don't leave the protection field again.
Y/n: I won't. *She winks*

Today the weather is fantastic. It's really hot outside but living in a forest has its advantages. It stays cool in the summer because of the trees blocking out the sunshine and that's why Y/n wants to have some fresh air.

Sarah: When can we start our plan? I want to be with Baekhyun as quickly as possible.
Niki: Don't worry Sarah, today is the day.
Jake: We are here. Watch out for the protection field guys. Search for the symbols and call Jay.

They are all searching for the amulets hanging on the trees. Jay has the same powers as Namjoon. So he can change the amulets in order to execute their plan.

Eventually they all find the amulets that are hidden and Jay replaces them with other ones.

Jay: Sara, now you can enter the shield without them getting alarmed.

Sarah tries to enter and she succeeds.

Sunoo: Don't forget to stay in your role. The members think that you are their moonchild now.
Jungwon: Stay safe. Do what we told you and everything will be fine.

Sarah thanks her 'Powers of 7' and heads towards the house.

Sarah wasn't too sure that the spell worked but she trusts her friends. Once she arrives at the door she rings the doorbell.

Jin: You're back so early? Why didn't you use your key?
Sarah: I lost them.
Jin: That's okay. We will ask Namjoon to do a lost and found spell.

Apparently the plan of Sarah and her Powers of 7 friends works. Jin already thinks that she is their Moonchild.

Y/n looks at the time and it's already time to go back.

Arriving home she opens the front door and sees everyone already sitting at the table, eating.

Y/n: Yah couldn't you wait? I'm only a few minutes late.

Everyone freezes and looks at her. But then her eyes go wide when she notices someone sitting at the table on HER spot.

Jimin: Intruder!

Jungkook and Yoongi come towards me and grab my arms.

Y/n: What are you doing?
Sarah: She probably found my keys. That's why she could enter.
Namjoon: But why didn't the shield alert go off?
Yoongi: Maybe she's a witch or a spy of Baekhyun.
Y/n: Guys! It's me! What happened to you?
Sarah: We need to get rid of her before she kills me.
Y/n: What!

Jungkook and Yoongi are dragging Y/n outside their house. Not knowing what they will do. She starts to get scared and lets her fear take over so she starts to cry.

Jimin: Crying won't help you.
Y/n: Please guys! I don't know what happened but please don't kill me.

Namjoon is about to do a spell on her. One where her soul leaves her body but will be trapped in this world. A punishment for bad people.

He lies his hand on Y/n's head and starts using the spell until...

Taehyung: Wait!
Taehyung: Her hair! It's turning white.
Jungkook: What?

She smiles at Taehyung but Taehyung keeps his confused face on. He looks at me and then at Sarah.

Taehyung: They both have white hair?
Jimin: How is that possible? There can only be one Moonchild.
Yoongi: I told you she is a witch!
Namjoon: We can't kill her unless we know she isn't a moonchild.
Jin: What are we going to do?
Namjoon: Maybe lock her up in the practice room for now until we know what is going on.
Y/n mind: Being locked up is always better than to be killed.

Jungkook takes both of her hands that are on the back and drags her to the training room. She stopped him because she already knows the way and he notices it.

Jungkook: How come you know the way to that room? Have you been watching us?
Y/n: No, I've been living with you for a while now. You and I go to that room every day so yes I know the way.
Jungkook: How did you...?
Y/n: Know? The last time we were here, I even kicked your butt and I healed you.
Jungkook: How can you know all this?
Y/n: Because I am your Moonchild. I went out for a walk earlier and for some reason you didn't recognize me anymore.

She sees him starting to have a confused expression.

Jungkook: Something isn't right here. Now that you mention it. I feel that you are more familiar to me than Sarah. I don't know why.
Y/n: Because you treat me like close family, Jungkook. And so do I.

He ties me up on a chair but puts on a sad face. Maybe regret is showing, feeling guilty for holding me like this.

Jungkook: Sorry, I have to do this.
Y/n: Don't worry, but please be careful with Sarah. We don't know what she wants.

After tying Y/n up, Jungkook goes back to the others. There he sees Sarah sitting at the table. Laughing and having fun.

Jungkook: So Sarah, Are we going to train today?
Sarah: Sure! I will get changed.

Sarah stands up but it seems she isn't familiar with this house as she is looking everywhere.

The moment she disappears, Jungkook talks to the others.

Jungkook: Guys! Something is wrong. Y/n knows about some things. It's hard to explain but I feel that Y/n is more part of us than Sarah.
Jin: Did she brainwash you already?
Jungkook: I am serious! She knew about our fight yesterday and how she whooped my ass. And that she healed me afterwards.
Namjoon: Hmm, that is strange indeed.
Suga: I know what to do! Train with Sarah. Let her wound you and ask her to heal you. Then you will see if she is a Moonchild or not.
Jungkook: Ok.

To be continued....

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