His favorite thing about you

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Nash- Your eyes
He loves how you will wink at him randomly and how they shine in the sunlight.

Cameron- Your butt
He loves slapping your butt for fun and pinching it near the boys so they know it's his.

Matthew- Your laugh
He loves how your not scared to laugh and that you laugh all the time.

Hayes- Your smile
He loves making you smile and how you blush easily too.

Ethan- Your Hair
He loves how it flows in the wind and how soft it is, he also loves playing in it.

Grayson- Your voice
He loves when you sing or just talk. he loves knowing your there.

Carter- Your legs
He loves how soft and beautiful they are.

Taylor- Your chest (You know what I mean? No...okay)
He loves poking them on "accident".

Jack G- Your lips
He loves your kisses and how soft your lips are. also how they mild perfectly with his.

Jack J- Your teeth
He loves how when you smile or talk and he sees your bright white teeth.

Aaron- Your hands
He loves how small they are compared to is and how they fit perfectly together.

Shawn- Your giggle
He loves how when you laugh you giggle a lot and he finds it adorable.

Brent- Your thighs
He loves putting his hand on your thigh to see your reaction or to calm you down.
Did I miss anyone?

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