Nicki's perfect life SIKE not

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This is the story of nicki minaj and how every one thinks her life is perfect. Everyone thinks nicki has the perfect life. The fame that she has. The glamour! The perfect clothes getting to have a fab job. What girl doesn't want to become a singer and live in a fairy tale! To get to have all the amazing costumes.

But the real question is what if behind all that nicki doesn't have a perfect life. What then what if she doesn't have the perfect life? The one we make it out to be. What if we make her life bigger than it really is! How do we know that behind all the glamour and costumes she isn't being pressured.

What if she isn't perfect? How will we know? We won't! How would we know if behind all the costumes she isn't hiding something. What if nicki is judged for the things she wears. Or what if she is scared to show the real her. She may think we will miss judge her because she is different.

Nicki probley doesn't have the perfect life. I mean after all no one dose. For the truth to be told I don't know a person who has a perfect life. Shore lots of people say they do but they don't. Because at the end of the day were all people famous or not. Nicki's life is not perfect!

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