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Welcome to urmyunicorn and I's Masterpiece
My Girls:

UCLA's campus was massive and it was a heat scorching day thus far. Who told University Services to schedule freshman orientation and move in week in the middle of August?
Inquiring minds wanted to know as Liv elicited her brother and some of the biggest football players on his team to help her move into her dorm.

She would have a roommate as far as she knew, suitemates even, but they hadn't spoken as of yet so they were going into this completely blind making her a little nervous.

This was already new territory for her, and after the past two years of high school, she wanted to stay lowkey, if that was even possible on a campus like this.

"Liv what the heck do you have in this trunk?" Jordan complained.

"Books." She said matter of factly.

"Such a nerd I swear! Did all the cool genes go to me?" He replied.

"Hardly. Be lucky you're a star quarterback. It's your saving grace."

Mocking her words he almost trips up the stairs to the Plaza causing her to retaliate in laughter.

"I'm telling mom."

"Still think you're cool?"

The deal was, he and his teammates would put all the stuff in the hallway next to her door, and then she would handle the rest. Jordan felt that was only fair; after years of being terrorized by her, he knew of her real strength.

As they made it to the hallway with the first round of items, there was a booming vibration of music and it sounded like it was coming from her room.

"Looks like either my roommate or suitemates have made it already."

"Solid music choice." Jordan expressed as his offensive lineman shook their heads at him enjoying SZA's 'Too Late' blaring through the hall.

Liv shoo's the boys away as she knocks on the door. "Should've just used my key." She chuckles, shaking her head.

About to reach for it in her bag, her roommate bursts the door wide open as far as her arms were outstretched.

"Hey new roomie! I'm Simone. Hope the music isn't too loud. I needed some inspiration to unpack."

Liv slightly chuckled. "I'm Liv, it's nice to meet you and I feel that. I probably brought too much." She replied after their hug.

"Nonsense girl, you can never have too much stuff. At least that's what my mom always says."

Simone was comforting already, easing Liv's mind a little.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. Did you guys know there's like a crap ton of stuff out here in the hallway?" The girl says.

"Yeah girl, that's Liv's stuff. Are you one of our suitemates?" Simone blurts.

"Yeah, I'm Kia, and dang girl you brought yo whole life didn't you?"

"Not too much on me!, I just wanted to be prepared." Liv politely clapped back.

"Well I brought two suitcases, a bed set, and a backpack. Everything else will be bought. I heard there's a mall trip on the itinerary for orientation."

"Check them out pulling out stops for us!" Simone yelled as she continued unpacking and putting up posters on her side of the room.

"Girl, the music ain't that loud we can hear you." Kia replied.

"Here let me turn it down before you become the first freshman ever with self-induced hearing loss."

"At least I went out in style right? 'Is it bad that I want moreeeeeeee?'" She sang at the top of her lungs.

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