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Hi it's Clyde, and well I hunt ghost with my best friend Jasper for a "living". If you can even say that we get paid like $10 to stop a ghost from harassing the home owner. It's not much but it works for us. Me and Jasper started our club in high school (which Is why it has a shit name but its sentimental so not much to do about it) not many people joined. By not many I mean no one... At all. It's complete bullshit we spent so much time on it. But it's whatever.

I'm in collage now out of force. My parents said they didn't want me wasting my life on the supernatural. So instead they made me go to college to become a computer tech.. Like that's better!? They think that I'd like it because I'm always tinkering with my " little machines ". I HATE IT its soul sucking. As for Jasper he works at a taco Bell... So our lives aren't to interesting at surface level, but don't leave now because it's not all boring. During the night we..or mostly me sneak out. We meet up at our top secret treehouse. It was his older sisters but she gave it to us, so she's the only one who knows where it is... And like the rest of his direct family. But anyway recently we've got our eye on an abandoned mansion in our town. It's like TOTALLY haunted, I've heard so many stories about that place.

" sooo like how many ghost do you think are there? " "Not sure has, but probably a LOT. Ooh and I bet the're angry too cause I mean that place has to smell. I'd be mad if I was stuck there-" "Dude chill.. But like I've heard of people going missing when they went into that place" " I'm sure those are just rumors, you shouldn't believe everything your told you know " he rolled his eyes at me "What, why are you always so mad when I'm right!? " "your not al- you know what let's just change the subject. We have a job for tomorrow night. " "really! What is it, Is it something good!" " People have been missing things in their baby's nursery and things thrown around so they want us to help-" "UGHHH BORING, WHY CAN PEOPLE HAVE MORE INTERESTING PROBLEMS" Jasper let's out a small laugh "Man I have to head out me and my mom are having game night, do you want to come with so I can kick my mom's ass at charades!!!! " " I would love to but my parents would kill me if they knew I was out" " damn" he gave me a disappointed look and we climbed down the latter and he walked me home. "Thanks man" "no problem" he smiles and walks off. I open my room window and climb in.

I turned on the light of my room just to find my mom sitting on the end of my bed. " Mom what the hell!? " "LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN, I knew you were sneaking out....! " she yelled at me for a while so I'll spare you of all that. The main thing was I'm a terrible child and am very disrespectful of my parents and I'm grounded. Like that will stop me. I'm 19 now so I dont know why they think I'm still a little kid. They say it's because they want to protect me but I think they just want control of something. I went to sleep and the next day I left " for school " but I just went to go see jasp. I miss him being in all my classes. Just because it's nicer being a loner together then by yourself. "Clyde aren't you supposed to be in class right now? " "possibly" "ok man whatever" he laughed softly under his breath. We spent the whole day talking and making fun a random people we knew from HS. After he got off work we went to the house with the haunting reports. " Hi ma'am I'm Clyde and this is Jasper we're here for the hauntings" "oh yes follow me" she led us to the nursery "this Is the room I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" she walked off and we got to work "I call sprit box! " that's Jasper's favorite so he always calls it even though I always just let him use it.. He's special ♡ I pull out our camera and set it up. "You see any orbs man cause I'm getting nothing" "nothing" suddenly a young kid comes running into the room and throws stuff around "hey kid stop! " he runs off with our fucking camera! Jasper chased after him. I pack up the rest of our shit and go to the kitchen. "Ma'am you don't need to worry about any spirits your um..your sons trashing the room" Jasper comes down stares out of breath with a noticeable bite mark on his arm. "T-that kids a demon" he says still breathing heavily. "I'm sorry for wasting your boys time then let me go get my husband to get your payment" I look over to jasp " how the hell you lose to a child" he shot me a dirty look.

In the other room we could overhear the couple talking "I told you ghost aren't real" " I'm not so sure you've heard the stories about the mansion. The Roberts daughter went missing in there and it's been abandoned do what else could have happened!? " " just give those boys their money and we'll talk about these delusions later" me and jasp shared a concerned glance. The lady walked in a gave us our payment " thank you boys so much" "no worries ma'am! " We walked outside the house " dude did you hear what they said about some families daughter " " yeah I work with a person whoes close friends with that family. Apparently she was supposed to go in with some friends but they bailed last second. She still went in but no one saw her leave. Police were too scared to go in to search for her, they said it was too dangerous. " a wide grin spread across my face "what if we went and looked for her? " " No!? Are you crazy!? What if we go missing too? " "calm down we're professionals" " my answers no" " but I don't wanna go aloneee" I frown dramatically at him "fine, but you owe me" " yay! "

Yay! First chapter done! Sorry if it was a little boring starting things off I'd hard for me 😭

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