Part 35: Under the sea

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In Bahamut's Dungeon...

The old King of Dragons sat on his throne looking around his crumbling palace. "So it begins..."

Bahamut looked at his hand that was turning to ash after he gave Keiji [Sovereign's Lily].

"One done two more to go..."

A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "You're going to have to tell him."

"He needs to focus on getting stronger if he has a chance in hell against him."

Lansseax appears again, "You don't even mean the False God do you, You used your Clairvoyance on the boy."

Bahamut scoffs, "Like your any better you used my future sight on everyone in that class and selected him, I just don't want him just to be a lamb before the slaughter."

"Your Majesty if you don't him to be slaughtered, then don't make him fight your shadow!"

Bahamut was taken aback that "Your Majesty" hurt because she rarely called her that.

"What can I do I'm stuck in this domain, and Eruzerion has killed me before what do you expect me to do."

They grew silent before Lansseax broke the silence, "At least tell him your dying...he deserves that much..he's been working so hard just to get his class home your one of the few he sees as a friend."

"I understand where you are coming from but, he'll just do something to prevent fate."

"And you know what happens if you try to fight fate, that's why I say he has better things to worry about than me dying, and that first wall for him is my shadow so he needs to be ready...we can't lose him."

"I know but my king please think about your successor."


'Damn you Nagumo...' Keiji thought to himself. 

Keiji has made the greatest miscalculation of his life he failed to realize that Hajime and Yue took a shower together earlier and he didn't account for how bold Kaori, Shia, and Tio would be...

Currently, he was with no escape in the large shower room because "accidentally" Kaori, Tio, and Shia entered the shower five minutes after him so his current was to survive...

'Self control, Self control, Self control, don't turn around Keiji...'

They obviously planned this...blocking off the exit proved this was 100% premeditated.

Keiji, because of his instincts and conflicting feelings had clearly said he wouldn't have a naked skin ship with any of them.

However, the girls ignored Keiji as they smiled, Shia and Tio were pinning Keiji from the sides, and while Kaori straddled his waist. Feeling the impending danger of his body, 

 Feeling the impending danger of his body, 

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