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"Today is the day!" Sasha joyfully exclaimed.

Kelly, who was sleeping peacefully in Sasha's bed, stirred awake upon hearing the princess's cheerful voice. Hoping to shield her eyes from the sun and her ears from Sasha's voice, Kelly grabbed the nearest pillow and covered her face with it. She wasn't even sure of the time; she just knew that it was too early to be awake and cheering.

Sasha didn't care about how early in the morning it was; she was just too happy to stay and bed and rest. It was finally the day Sasha had been waiting for; it was the day she would leave the castle walls again. It was also the day of the ball but Sasha's excitement about going back into the village overruled any excitement she had for the ball.

Honestly, the ball didn't even excite Sasha; she found no pleasure in being forced to talk to or even stand in the same space as men. Sasha has hated balls for years; she found them to be nothing but useless and very uneventful parties. Truthfully if Sasha had a choice in the matter she wouldn't even attend the ball. Instead, she would just stay in her chambers with Kelly and love her lover until the night ended.

Unfortunately, Sasha doesn't have a choice; she must attend the balls and socialize with all the men who showed up hoping to impress and marry her. Sasha knew she wouldn't find one man at the ball she would fancy; she just fancies women too much to even attempt to fancy a man. Still, Sasha has to endure hours of forcing a smile, pretending to enjoy the company of others, and being away from Kelly.

There were a lot of negative things Sasha could focus on. She could think about nothing but the negative things she would experience today; however, she decided to keep her mind focused on the positive things she would experience today. For example, she got to spend some extra time with Kelly, leave the castle, and see Michelle again

For some reason, the thought of seeing Michelle again was the main thing that made Sasha happy. Surprisingly, she had been thinking about Michelle ever since she left the girl's bakery. The princess's interaction with the bakery girl replayed in her mind for days; she just couldn't stop thinking about the girl.

At first, Sasha would constantly tell Kelly about how happy she was to see Michelle again; however, she stopped sharing her excitement once Kelly began to display signs of annoyance toward her. Considering she had recently made up with Kelly, Sasha didn't want to backtrack their relationship by annoying Kelly so she dropped the topic completely.

"Kelly, it's time to get up. The sun is up so we should be too," Sasha said, pulling back the curtains to let the sun illuminate the room.

Kelly groaned as she felt the warm sunlight shine on her skin. Feeling frustrated and annoyed, Kelly lifted the pillow off her face and forced herself to sit up. She didn't have the energy to fully get out of bed so she just sat on the side of the bed, her feet hovering inches above the floor as her eyes tried to adjust to the new bright room.

Sasha walked over to Kelly and kissed her on the cheek before straddling her. With hopes that her touch would cause the girl to wake up more, she then grabbed Kelly's face and gently caressed it. Eventually, Sasha's plan began to work as Kelly's eyes were now fully open and peering into her lover's eyes. The girl's arms had also found themselves around the princess's waist, her hands intertwined and resting just below the young royal's tailbone.

"Princess, I love you but I don't appreciate how joyous you are in the morning. It's unnatural and very annoying," Kelly said, speaking as kindly as she could.

Sasha chuckled. "Sorry, but I can't help it. Every new day is just too beautiful; it would be a crime for me not to celebrate."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Sasha. You must take me as a fool, surely you don't honestly believe that I found any truth in what you just said. Princess, I know that the only reason you're chipper this morning is because you get to leave the castle today. The infamous day has finally arrived and you finally get to see your beautiful baker again."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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