A session with Blackpearl_4044🖤 2023.
-Accomplishment within the year
-one thing you overcame
-one word to describe the year.My greatest achievements this year?
I learnt to set boundaries, I learnt to say no to anything I'm really not interested in. (Not completely, but I see a lot of improvements😭😂)
I know who I am and I know what I should and should not settle for.
I got to know the many things I do differently, and that's like a good thing?😂
The biggest thing I've accomplished this year is acceptance, It makes me really happy when I see things that devastated me so much last year January and I'm completely fine. Like I've seen this too many times to break over it.😂
I figured I'm not even a dislikeable person, well, maybe not really but at least I don't see anything to me I really dislike.😂
From last August to this one, I've grown emotionally and mentally and that's like a really big deal.❤️
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