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3:00 am

Y/N: I feel so guilty 😣

Y/N: I need to spill my problems, someone answer...

3:24 am

Y/N: I'll give the next person head if they answer

Hotch: What's wrong, Y/n?

Emily: What's up, bestieeeee

Derek: Anything you need, baby girl 😩🤤😏🥶

Y/N: Woah-

JJ: Need any help? I'm here 🫶🏻

Penelope: See I would but I got a bf. Still... I'm a friend with an open ear

Emily: And open legs ^

Y/N: Why Are you all answering?

Reid: Me and Rossi aren't

Derek: Rossi's old and has saggy-titty Strauss

Hotch: Yeah, why are you guys answering? 🤨

Emily: Why did you answer two seconds after they texted that? 🤨🤨🤨

Hotch: ...

JJ: Okay we're straying from the topic

Emily: HOLD UP-


JJ: ...

JJ: Why did you

Emily: Bitch please You know that's how I am. Now why tf did you??????

JJ: I need someone to take care of the kids

JJ: Maybe if I was nice they would....

Y/N: I would've regardless, you know this


JJ: I plead the fifth

Reid: speaking of that-

Reid: Why did you answer, Derek 🧐

Derek: I answered because yo momma 😩

Reid: .

Derek: I'm so sorry 💀

Y/N: Derek? Apologizing???? 🫨🫨🫨

Derek: stfu.

Y/N: Anywaysssssss

Y/N: Hotch wins so he gets head!

Hotch: 👍🏼

Emily: That was so funny and for what?

Penelope: Let's get back to the topic at hand

Penelope: Why do you feel guilty, hon? ☺️

Y/N: I just... I haven't been using this app....

Derek: What app?

Emily: ??

Y/N: I can't say I discovered another app but I knew of it I just didn't use it out of loyalty to this certain app

JJ: Keep going ....

Y/N: It's like... I've been so addicted to the other one cuz I feel like this other app doesn't have the best content anymore....

Y/N: I still use it occasionally but this other place... it's a whole other level

Y/N: As I stated before, I knew of it but never used it

Y/N: It wasn't until I started like a couple months ago

Y/N: Ever since then... my time on the other app diminished

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