The Christmas Party

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The Ministry of Magic Christmas party. It is one of the most extravagant events of the year. Every department comes together the Friday before Christmas for the finest of canopies and one too many fire whiskeys.

Harry and Ron, who had already had a couple of drinks, much to Hermione's dismay, made their way to the Ministry. Ron was babbling away about how excited he was for all the different food there was going to be. Harry wasn't as fussed about the whole event, he was actually preparing himself for a night of people asking about what it was like to fight Voldemort.

Hermione and Y/n had been at the Ministry all day. Setting up decorations and making sure everything was perfect. Although all four of them had been working for the Ministry for a handful of years now and had all attended Hogwarts, this would be the first time Y/n would meet Hermione's boyfriend and best friend.

Y/n had been two years below the golden trio but had become closer with Hermione when she returned to finish her 7th year. Hermione and Y/n both completed the same internship at the Ministry; however, Hermione went into Magical Law, and Y/n went into Muggle Relations.

Since that internship, the two had been the tightest of friends. They both placed importance on their work being completed at the highest of their abilities and would go to any lengths to do so. This meant the two of them would often spend late nights in the Ministry's library researching whatever it may be.


Ron and Harry made their way through the foyer, searching for Hermione. "Oh look, she's over there!" Ron said as he picked up his pace, beelining for his girlfriend. However, Harry had stopped dead in his tracks. Next to Hermione was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.

After Harry and Ginny had broken up, Harry had been out of the game. He had lost his confidence completely when Ginny left him for a muggle man. Ron had spent months trying to set Harry up on dates (after getting over the awkwardness of his best friend and sister breaking up) but had given up hope after Harry bombed three in a row.

Ron finally noticed that Harry was stopped a couple of paces behind him. Ron followed his gaze back to Hermione, slightly confused. Then he shifted his eyes down to the left slightly and saw the girl Harry was gawking at.

"Come on mate, you're not gonna have very much of a conversation from over there" Ron teased as he continued to walk over to where the girls stood. Harry snapped back to reality and briskly followed Ron.

"Here you two are. I was worrying you were going to be late" Hermione explained as she engulfed Ron in a hug. The two quietly complemented each other on their formal attire.

"Oh how rude of me!" Hermione exclaimed. "This is Y/n, Y/n/n this is Ron and this is Harry". Ron reached out and embraced Y/n in a hug, which she warmly received. Harry following Ron's actions, engulfed Y/n smaller figure in a hug. Harry, unsure of what came over him, decided to place a kiss on her cheek. This made both Y/n and Harry blush, and Hermione sent the dirtiest side eye she could muster in Harry's direction.

The four of them engaged in small talk, although Harry remained. He was overthinking what he should reply to impress Y/n. Every time he came up with something he thought was cool, the conversation had already moved on.


Hermione had left the group first as she made her way over to help the Minister before his annual Christmas speech. Ron took this as his cue to play wingman and leave Harry and the girl he obviously had a thing for alone.

"So what house were you in at Hogwarts" Harry asked, trying to make conversation. "I was in Gryffindor Harry. Much like we discussed 20 minutes ago" Y/n said with a slight chuckle, becoming more aware of how flustered Harry was around her. "Oh shit!" Harry said, scratching the back of his neck. "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't expect you to remember me" Y/n continued to chuckle completely amused by the whole situation.

"So your an Auror right? A wizard cop?!" now it was Y/n turn to make conversation. "Haha I've never thought about it like that..." while scratching his neck once again he was interrupted. "You scratch your nech a lot. Are you nervous?"

As Harry continued to nervously scratch his neck, he couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious under Y/n's observant gaze. He chuckled nervously and admitted, "Yeah, I guess I am a bit nervous. It's just that...well, I wasn't really expecting to meet someone so interesting and well... beautiful tonight."Y/n blushed at the unexpected compliment and smiled warmly. "Well, thank you, Harry. That's very sweet of you to say." She then decided to change the subject to put him at ease. "So, tell me more about being an Auror. It must be quite an exciting job."

Harry's eyes lit up as he began to talk passionately about his work. He shared stories of his adventures, the challenges he faced, and the satisfaction of knowing he was helping to keep the wizarding world safe. Y/n listened attentively, genuinely intrigued by Harry's experiences.

As they continued their conversation, Harry's nervousness began to fade, replaced by a sense of connection and comfort. They talked about their favorite books, and hobbies, and even shared a few laughs over funny Ministry anecdotes.

Meanwhile, Ron, who had been discreetly observing the interaction from a distance, gave Harry a knowing wink and thumbs up. He knew that Harry needed this kind of positive distraction in his life, especially after his past romantic setbacks.

Harry and Y/n continued sharing stories and different drinks from the bar and didn't notice that people were slowly beginning to depart the ball. It wasn't until Ron and Hermione made their way back over to the couple that they looked around and noticed how much emptier the foyer was.

"There's a couple of the old Hogwarts students heading to some kick-ons. Where about to head? Did you two want to join?" Ron questioned. "That sounds perfect, did you still want to come back to mine to get dressed?" Y/n turned the question to Hermione. "Oh yes please. Why don't you two boys go to your flat and get changed and then pick us up on the way to the party?"

They all agreed on the plan and started heading in their separate directions. Harry and Y/n, unbeknownst to the other, were grinning away to themselves. They had both met someone different, someone who had sparked a glimmer of excitement in their hearts amidst the bustling Ministry of Magic Christmas party.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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