Chapter 2

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It's been three months since I have arrived at the Encanto, accepting the post of Counselor.

Three months of helping each of the Madrigals and getting to know them.

I knew that it wouldn't be easy to gain their trust, especially Alma's. I knew coming in that I would have to work hard. To prove myself to her so that I can do what I came here to do.

Each day, I would help Julieta make breakfast, then Alma would have me spend the day with either her or one of the Triplets.

Some days I would help Julieta work through her healing line. I got to meet a lot of the villagers and helped establish me as a part of the community.

This had the added bonus of villagers getting to know me, and feeling comfortable talking to me.

Even if those talks were just about how nice the weather was or regular small talk you might have with a cashier at a store.

Some days I'd be helping Pepa in the fields with the farmers, which allowed me the chance to know them as well. I learned quite a bit about how this village has been able to survive so well, being isolated and all.

One of the main theories I have about the Madrigals is why they received the gifts they did.

For Pepa, that theory hinged on the idea that the size of the mountains would block natural rainwater from the valley. That would make growing plants very difficult. And it would make it easy to see just how wonderful Pepa's rain would be for the farmers.

As I would work in the fields with the farmers, I would sometimes hear them talk about the struggles of growing crops when the village first began.

It seems that I was correct on the mountains being the reason why both Pepa and Julieta got their gifts.

Julieta's gift was more based on how it seems impossible to establish trade routes with nearby villages. This would make it hard to receive medicine that couldn't be made in the village.

Other days I spent assisting Alma as she shopped or helped new mothers taking care of their young children. These days would also help solidify my hopeful position as Counselor.

People could see how calm and kind I am. Showing everyone that I can be trusted to help with whatever they need.

The parents would often thank me for being able to calm upset or scared children. Which would lead them to see me as someone they can talk to. Someone that can help them feel better as well.

My favorite days though were the days spent with the youngest triplet, and only boy in the family. Bruno Madrigal.

Some times I would be helping him clean the Casita, and we'd just concoct random stories about the villagers, or joke about whatever comes to mind.

Other times I would follow Bruno as he made his rounds for small readings. My presence helped put everyone at ease. It leads to light discussions about what the fortune was, which would leave the client more understanding about what they found out.

I was surprised that his gift was more than just visions. The movie never talked about Bruno giving palm readings or using tarot cards. It was fascinating to watch. I learned so much more about this young man than I thought possible.

These sides of his gift seemed to be a lot easier on him than his visions were, and it made me wonder why he gave visions in the first place.

I asked him about that on our way back to Casita after the fourth day out with him.

"Normally, the clients would want me to elaborate on something I told them with my tarot cards or palm reading. So I'd have to give them full visions anyway. Why do the easier methods when I know what they will want?" He asked rhetorically, as he stared ahead. I guess that makes sense, and I understood why the movie focused on full visions. It was a full vision that led to him leaving his family in the first place after all.

"To be honest, things are already looking easier since you're here Y/n. You keep me and the clients calm, and you can lead us through a talk about what the fortune entailed. Not only does it help the client understand what I told them, it seems to make it easier for them to accept it. I haven't had people get angry with me once when you are there. At least few of those fortunes would have led to me being screamed at or hit. So thanks."

"You don't need to thank me, Bruno. I am here to help. If my presence is what leads to these talks, then I will continue talking to the client about your fortunes. Being able to communicate in a safe and healthy way is key to everything after all. It doesn't matter whether the relationship is temporary or not, or platonic or not. Humans are social creatures by nature. The ability to communicate is very important."

"If it helps, I think you'd make a very good Counselor. You are already making yourself seen as a good listener, and you are good at giving advice too. Just look at how you handled that young couple struggling with their relationship. The woman was able to talk to her husband, and he was able to relieve those fears she had. It was amazing to watch you work."

"Thank you Bruno." I smiled at him.

These past three months have given me the chance to get closer to all of the Madrigals.

I became very good friends to all of the triplets, who finally found someone outside of their family they can truly be themselves around.

Even Alma became less strict with me. She would actually smile as we walked through the marketplace. She'd even engage me in conversation as we help her friends with their children.

Eventually, I gained their trust, and they began opening up to me.

Alma became my first patient, and we would work in her room, since I still did not have an office yet.

She opened up about her grief over losing her husband and her fear of losing her children.

I learned she made her children work so they are not mistreated by the villagers.

I explain that while being helpful is an admirable thing, she should also provide her children, and future Madrigals breaks and freedoms. I explain how harmful working all day everyday can be. I also tell her she needs to talk to her children. Open up to them about her fears and grief, and to listen to their struggles in return.

Next, I worked with Julieta. I learn that while she loves to cook, and to relieve people of their injuries, she doesn't want to cook all day every day. I helped her by giving her several quick snack and drink recipes that she can use instead of cooking 50 or so arepas every single day. That way she can free up some time. I also talk to her about finding people that can help her either pass the snacks out or to assist in the kitchen.

Pepa was a little tricky to help. She has been forcing herself to be happy almost constantly for 15 years. I offer her some easy ways to be able to process her emotions, mostly by journaling.

As the days went by, I discovered one more thing.

I found myself truly falling in love with the person that was my main reason for agreeing to come to the Encanto.

I already had a crush on him as a 50-year-old man, hiding away from his family to protect his youngest sobrina.

The movie back home certainly did not do him justice.

I knew Bruno was a kind and somewhat awkward man. But I never really thought about how much of a sweet, funny, and caring guy he truly was.

It's just impossible not to fall in love with him.

I knew I couldn't do anything about my feelings, though. It is unprofessional, even if I am the ONLY Counselor within Encanto.

Right now, Bruno needs me as a counselor, and possibly a friend. Not a potential girlfriend. As if he would ever be interested in me anyway.

Soon I will have my first session with Bruno. I knew, that with this shy young man, I would have to find a new way to get him to fully open up.

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