Home Between The Stars

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(Whenever the symbol '~' is seen the events or conversations happening are flashbacks)

~Ace and Clay were sitting on the cliff smocking cigarettes.
Clay- "When I feel stressed I come here to look at the stars. It always makes me feel better."
Ace- "You are such a star boy Clay."
Clay- "What! I love this place and I wanted to share it with my best friend!"
Ace and Clay chuckled.
Ace- "You are right, it is pretty calming."
Clay gasped.
Clay- "Look!! A falling star!!"
Ace- "Quick! Make a wish!"
Clay closed his eyes.
Ace- "Well? What did you wish for?"
Clay- "When I die I wanna be a star, and I want you to be a star too. Then we can both always be together in the sky and maybe someday some kids like us will come to this very cliff and look at us talking about life."
Ace- "You know star boy sometimes I truly think your home is among the stars."
They both laughed.
Ace- "You are like a fallen star that just wants to go home."
Clay- "But I am already home."
Ace looked at Clay who was still star gazing and smiled.~

The two boys went to the cliff and sat there looking at the stars.
Ace- "I truly did miss you star boy."
Clay- "I missed you too Ace."
Ace- "I know the way I acted was foolish but I was too scared to talk to you. Scared you might not listen."
Clay- "I always do."
Ace turned to Clay.
Ace- "Clay I'm so so sorry."
Clay- "It's okay. I told you, I didn't hold a grudge."
Ace- "No it's more than that. I'm sorry I made you feel this way. You should never have to feel like that and I promise you I will never make you feel like that again. I'm so sorry, for everything."
Clay hugged Ace tightly almost like he'd been waiting to do that since last fall.
Clay- "Please never do that again."
Ace- "I won't. Promise."
Clay- "Also next time try to apologize sooner than a year later."
Ace laughed.
Ace- "I will definitely keep that in mind!"
Ace and Clay were stargazing  when Ace spoke up.
Ace- "How come you talked to your brother again?"
Clay- "What?"
Ace- "Last year. I saw you with Peter at the movies. How come?"
Clay got visibly upset answering Ace.
Clay- "I live with him Ace."
Ace- "What? Since when?"
It was at that moment that the pieces fell into place. Clay hanging out with Peter, Clay's house being empty. A greater question struck Ace.
Ace- "Why?..."
Clay- "Remember the night I left early? Because I wasn't feeling well?"
Ace already felt the guilt consuming him.
Ace- "Yeah?"
Clay- "I got kicked out that day. A little after I went home. I asked Peter to pick me up, we talked and now I live with him."
Ace felt like he failed Clay. Because the time his best friend needed him the most he wasn't there.
Ace- "I- How did I let this happen?...How was I not there for you?..."
Clay- "Don't do this to yourself it's okay. Peter took good care of me. I'm glad I got to re-unite with my brother."
Ace hugged Clay
Ace- "I'm never letting you go ever again Clay."
Clay- "I know Ace."
Ace grabbed his phone and started typing.
Ace- "I think our reunion is the perfect moment to honor our song!"
Clay- "Oh my god Ace! I was singing that song like 20 minutes ago!"
Ace-  "Exactly! Way too long ago!"
'Everlong' started playing they both sang along the lyrics. They lit another cigarette. Then...the part came...and they looked at each other.
Ace mouthed the lyrics to Clay while the song was playing in the background.
Ace- "Breathe out..."
Clay mouthed back.
Clay- "So I can breathe you in..."
Ace and Clay moved closer to each other. Ace looked at Clay's lips then his eyes. Clay did the same. Ace's heart was pounding, he couldn't speak, couldn't think, barely breathed.
They got closer.
And closer.
Clay- "Ace.."
Ace kissed him. Clay kissed him back. It was slow, gentle, loving. It was beautiful. It was like they'd been waiting to kiss each other like that forever. They held on to each other almost like they were gonna get forced apart. They kissed, under the stars. In their inferno fall.
When they finally pulled away their only thought was. "So what now?..."
Ace- "I didn't know you were gay."
Clay- "I didn't know YOU were gay."
Ace- "I didn't know I was gay."
Clay- "I didn't know I was gay either."
Ace- "Are we even gay?"
Clay- "Ace when did I ever date a girl? I'm definitely gay I don't like girls."
Ace- "Well..I think I'm gay too..."
Clay- "Didn't you like Amber?"
Ace- "Not like that! Some guys from the basketball team saw us together and started teasing me to ask her out. I thought I liked her but I soon figured out I didn't. Plus I didn't know I was gay. She was a girl, I was a boy and people expected us to get together. Then she always wanted to spend time with me and do everything she wanted, he became unbearable. Ughhh, it sucked!"
Clay- "Well okay Mr. secretly a homosexual."
Ace- "Please don't ever call me that again."
Clay- "Oh come on!! I have no nickname to mock u with!"
Ace- "And it's gonna stay like that."
Clay- "Fuck you."
Ace quietly chuckled
Ace- "Can I make it up to you with another kiss?"
Clay- "Please do."
They laid there just looking at the stars. Holding each other, loving each other.
Clay- "Ace.."
Ace- "Yeah?"
Clay- "What are we now?"
Ace hadn't thought about that part yet. He turned towards Clay.
Ace- "Do you wanna be..boyfriends?"
Clay looked shocked but the good kind. Like when you finally get something  you've been longing for for so long. Something you don't really expect it but really hope for it.
Clay- "I'd like that"
Ace smiled gently holding Clay's hand.
Ace- "It'd be my honor to be your boyfriend star boy."
Clay gave him a kiss and seemed kinda scared to ask the next question.
Clay- "Do- Do we tell anyone?"
Ace wanted to tell Clay yes but he was scared too. Their school wasn't known to be the most accepting and understanding especially with matters like these.
Ace- "We should try to keep it a secret. At least for a little while."
Clay nodded even though he looked kind of disappointed with Ace's answer.
Ace- "You can tell your brother and 'Ghost Town'."
Clay- "Really??"
Ace- "Yeah, but no one else!"
Clay- "Sounds good!"
They stayed there till morning. It was around 6:00 a.m when Ace walked home. His mom was already up almost like she was expecting him.
She was.
Ace's  mom- "And where have you been? I thought the concert ended before 6 a.m."
Ace- "Oh yeah. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you anything, I just got busy."
Ace's mom- "Oh my god! Don't tell me you found a girl! I seriously thought after Amber you gave up on that! Please tell me everything! What's her name."
Ace didn't know what to say and how to answer.
Ace- "Mom, no. That's not it."
Ace's mom- "Ace come on. I am your mom I always know."
Ace- "Mom seriously it's not it."
Ace's mom- "Come on sweetie. Just a little hint."
Ace- "Mom it's Clay!...Okay?...So just, leave me alone."
Ace's mom was in shock, she didn't know how to react. She just put her hand over her mouth and went in her room.
"I told one person and the problems already started. We seriously need to keep it to ourselves. At least until we figure out what to do." Ace thought to himself. He felt very alone but knew he'd get through it, with Clay by his side. He just walked in his room shutting the door behind him before collapsing on his bed. A few hours later around 5:30 p.m Ace woke up to a text from Clay. He'd missed this notification he hadn't seen it in a year. He opened the text.
Clay- "Hey are you in the mood for a bike ride?"
Ace- "Is that even a question?"
Clay- "Great! I'll be over in 10."
Ace got up and fixed his hair and clothes before going to the living room where he found his mom.
Ace's mom- "Ace sweetie can we talk? Wait, where are you going?"
Ace- "I'm going cycling with Clay."
Ace's mom- "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Maybe Clay changed over the past year and well...maybe he has become a bad influence on you..."
Ace couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Ace- "Are you fucking serious??"
Ace's mom- "Ace! Language!"
Ace- "No! No Language mom! You basically fucking raised that kid for the past 5 years and you are just shitting on him now just because I'm gay and I love him?!"
Ace's mom- "Maybe you are not! Maybe you don't! Maybe you are just excited to have him back in your life and you perceive it as romantic love! He is your friend!"
Ace- "Boyfriend!"
Ace's mom- "He is not your boyfriend!"
Ace's mom- "You guys kissed?..."
Ace- "I'm getting the fuck out of here!"
Ace's mom- "Ace! Don't walk away from me Ace! I'm your mother! I say what I say and do what I do only because I love and care about you!"
Ace didn't answer her, he just unlocked his bike as Clay pulled up in front of his house.
Clay- "Hey, is everything okay?"
Ace- "Yeah, yeah. Em...Can we go?"
Clay- "Yeah, sure. Of course."
They biked to the cliff and sat at the edge.
Clay- "So...talking to your mom didn't go that well huh?"
Ace- "No..."
Clay- "Hey, it's okay. You can stay at mine tonight."
Ace laughed.
Ace- "What a plot twist. That I'd be staying at yours because shit is going down at mine."
Clay- "Things change Ace. Oh! I have to tell Peter to make us soba!"
Ace- "Soba actually sounds lovely right now."
Clay- "He makes it so good! You'll love it!"
Ace- "I bet I will."
They biked a bit longer before going to Clay's house. Clay unlocked the door and the strong smell of warm soba literally smacked them in the face.
Clay- "Damn Peter it smells good inhere!"
Peter- "Glad you like it I made it especially for our special visitor. Hey Ace! Good to see you!"
Ace- "Hey Peter! Good to see you too!"
Peter- "Guys please sit I'll serve."
Peter served the table and all three of them ate together.
Ace- "Peter. The food was literally amazing!"
Clay- "Yeah! I bet Obasan feels pretty threatened by your cooking skills."
Peter- "I bet she wants my recipe now."
They all chuckled.
Clay- "Alright I'm gonna go show Ace where we sleep."
Clay took Ace's hand and basically dragged him to the room.
Clay- "So this is my room. You sleep with me. The apartment is pretty small and I'm using the guest bedroom so you have no choice."
Ace- "I ain't complaining."
Ace held Clay by the waist and kissed him.
"Tonight is gonna be peaceful." Ace thought and kept kissing his boyfriend.

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