Jean Bart approaches Miko
Jean Bart : and you shouldn't be anywhere else
Miko:Yes, but it turned out differently
??? : so you are the Pole
Miko: ta...
??? :I am Richelieu, Cardinal and leader of my nation
Miko: Miko..
Richelieu:So what are you doing here?
Miko: looking for how to return to Iron Blood (home)
Richelieu:I can pomuc you but
Miko:but what?
Richelieu : after mass
Miko: aha..
Richelieu: you are Catholic or Protestant
Richelieu : come on
Richelieu smiles and grabs Miko's hand and drags him to the church for mass
After an hour, mass It's over, Miko is leaving
Miko: what's next
Jean Bart : you have to wait for the train
Miko stands and growls in his stomach, Jean Bart notices
Jean Bart : come with me or do you prefer to starve
Miko follows Jean Bart to a small shop, Jean Bart goes inside and Miko stays outside, after a while Jean Bart comes out with two croissants, one got Miko
Miko eats a croissant when Richelieu approaches
Richelieu : the train will be in half an hour, you will have a change in the Dutch capital
Miko: good
Miko slowly walks off towards the train station
Richelieu : take us again
Richelieu and Jean Bart say goodbye to Miko,
Miko is currently waiting behind the train, approached by a Russian soldier with two AK rifles
Russian: you are the Pole
He says this with a distinct Russian accent
Miko: yes and what?