Mind your own bussiness

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"It's been 20 days, look we barley have any food!" Owen cried.
"We barley have any food because you ate all of it??" Heather and Gwen exclaimed.
"I'm sorry I was hungry," Owen said
"Guys don't be so tough on him, he's a big guy he needs to eat!" Izzy says.
"Girl don't talk, you haven't been worried about our survival for weeks now," Leshawna says angrily.

It was true. Izzy didn't seem like she took this seriously, maybe she thought this was a dream, or that this was Chris playing a prank on us, or maybe a challenge. It wasn't and they all knew it wasn't a challenge they had been abandoned by him. The cruel man who always put their lives at risk for the sake of entertainment. They all knew they were running low on food. So they split into 2 teams. Dj, Katie, Geoff, Bridgette, Duncan, Owen andNoah all went together. Ava, Izzy, Cody, Trent, Heather, Gwen, Harold and Leshawna all went together. There was only one person who hadn't chosen a group. Courtney. She was very decisive but she didn't want to go with the wrong team and loose it all. Loose her life. She still had Law school! She still had a who,e life plan ahead of her.

"Princess join us, they've got 1 more person then us!" Duncan said.

Him and Courtney hadn't talked much since they got on the island. They just admired each other from afar. This was the perfect time to bond. They were going to die anyways so why not try fix what they had before hand. They hadn't talking in 2 years or so. Maybe the occasional catch up once every 3 months. He missed her and she missed him. He missed their long calls, and she missed raising their pet raccoon together, but this wasn't about feelings for Courtney it was about survival.

"Why should I?" Courtney stated stubbornly.
"Courtney come with us! It was give us time to catch up," Bridgette smiled at Courtney.
"Ok fine, but Duncan, this isn't for you," Courtney smiled back at Bridgette and joined their group.
"Whatever you say darling," Duncan smirked.
Courtney couldn't help but smile, he was still the same, charming and tough.

Noah stared at Cody, they had been separated. They had been best friend. What if the other wasn't safe? I guess they won't know until they get back, Cody's group started walking into the woods and Cody signalled to Noah that he'd be ok, everything would be fine and he'll meet him back at camp. Where they were safe. Noah smiled, and gave Cody a thumbs up. Cody and Noah had built an amazing bond and it was nice that Noah had a friend for a change. He just had to remember what Cody said. Hope. Hope that everything will be ok, but it was hard. Noah's group went the opposite direction and started looked for food..

They had searched around everywhere and found a few bits of supplies. Some berry's and fruit. That was the best they could find. At least it was something.

"Guys we've been going in circles! Around 2 hours ago we were here!" Courtney whined.
"How would you know princess," Duncan asked.
"Because those peonies are the exact same as the ones we saw 2 hours ago! And don't call me princess," Courtney shouted, she liked the nickname princess, but she was stressed.
"Ok calm down, take a chill pill," Duncan said
"No she's right brainiac you've lead us in circles." Noah said.

Duncan stared at him. Noah had no idea what he had done wrong. Courtney had done the exact same thing yet Duncan has gotten mad at Noah, it was unfair. They both argued and argued. The rest of the group tried to calm them down and the other half were trying to find a way back to the cabins. Until Duncan snapped. He pushed Noah and left with the rest of the team. They could see the worry in Noah's eyes, but there was nothing they could do, they all knew that Duncan was the tougher one and would do a better job at protecting them. They knew it was wrong but they still left him. How could they? They were his friends. And suddenly a rope was tied around his neck as he was dragged away and away and away.

He was dragged to a lake. The Wawanakwa lake. He remembered the lake. It was one of the only things that kept the same in the island. He screamed in terror but nobody seemed to be able to hear him. Nobody seemed to be able to help him. It was his time. He could only hope. Hope is the only thing keeping the rest of them going.


Nobody. The killer had had enough, He threw Noah into the lake. Drowning him. You could no longer hear for his crys of help. You could just hear him trying to breathe. Until he couldn't. He just couldn't. All that hope was for nothing. There was nothing to hope for anymore. Maybe he should have minded his own business, maybe he didn't need to get involved in something that he wasn't involved in. Maybe then he would have lived. Maybe. Hopefully.

They all returned. All but one.

"Where Noah guys?" Cody asked.
"I don't know that traitors gone," Duncan whispered.
"You threw him out of the group that's why?" Katie said as Duncan tried to make her shut up.

Cody into the forest without another thought, how could he do this, that was his best friend, the guy he wanted to make it out alive with and now he's nowhere to be found. It couldn't be, he hoped it wouldn't be. Bridgette Trent and Geoff followed him. Cody stoped by a lake. He could see ropes. Layer out in a snake way. He followed the rope. He didn't care or maybe he just didn't think of it being a trap. He followed it. It wasn't a trap. It was something much worst. It was Noah. He lifeless body layer there next to the long snake like river. By now the others had caught up to him. It was too late. He was gone. Cody sat beside him and wished him a happy after life. His sadness building up into rage. A type of anger he had never felt before. How could Duncan do this? He could have made it out alive, they could have made it together. Cody marched back to the cabins both sad and full of anger..

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