Chapter 3: Story unfolded

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"So, I've called the company secretary, He'll come in an hour to pick you up", Wuxian's grandmother (Mrs.Xiao) uttered looking at her nails, the lady was polishing it, Xian was standing infront of his grandmother's desk with a folded arms

"Grandma You know right that I don't have any interest in this several companies which you and grandpa holds", He responded while frowning a little as he was done up already saying it to them thousand times, Mrs.Xiao after hearing this looked up at her grandson

"And You know Xian that you're the one and only heir of mine and your grand father's companies, No one is there to be in a position of this more than you", She said standing up from her chair, glaring at the other like nothing else

The poor lady who was doing her nails got shook up by the sudden heat up inside the room, she looked at both of them turn wise turn with fear, "Why don't you give my mother this fortune, she's also the part of this family somehow", Wuxian responded back without fear

"That women is not part of Xiao family, nor she is fit for this position!",
Mrs.Xiao said in anger,  stomping her hand on the desk, which surely made the other girl to flinch, but her anger didn't affect Wuxian even a bit and he just stood there staring at her

"Then who did you thought as the part of Xiao family at that time?", the boy asked staring dragger towards his own grandma who frowned even more, "Wang Yibo..he was in the position for my son, and other than him, Zhan loved no one", She answered clenching her fist on the table

"The boy who was the reason of my father's death? Do you think he was in a position for my father?, Aish I just can't understand any of you", Wuxian said gritting his teeth in anger and looked at other side with a poker face, "You don't know anything Xian", Mrs.Xiao uttered after sometime

The other didn't said anything and just kept staring at the other side,  "You can leave", She uttered looking towards the other girl who was in fear, she quickly got up and ran outside the room leaving the only both there

Mrs.Xiao slowly sat down on her chair while massaging her own forehead, "Why do you hate Yibo so much?", She asked after some time looking up at her grandchild, "He's the reason for my mother not being the part of this family", he answered still not looking towards his grandmother who sighed heavily nodding

"Your father was the sole reason why we don't want to make her the part of this family, Zhan at his last breaths..has chosen only Wang Yibo to be part of this Xiao family, he never cared for anyone in his whole life..but that boy entered like a storm into his life..", She says looking outside the window, like she's recalling the past events

As she continues, "Your dad fell in love for the first time in his whole life... But he fell too hard that he forgot his own humanity..he forgot his own heart..he forgot what it is to love them so truly..", Xian yet very slowly listening to the story turned towards his grandma who smiles

"When the night fell..your dad used to cry alone in his room, he started loosing his own self in that unconscious, unconditional love, he just wanted that sole boy, who was already another ones..", she says taking a deep breath looking at her grandchild with mixed emotions

Wuxian slowly sat down on the chair hearing the story with so much interest that only he knew about, "Why did he cried?", he asked making the other women to smile softly hearing the question, "Because..he was so much in love with Yibo that he unconsciously did really cruel things to that boy", she answers

"But..but, if he loved him then why do cruel things?", Xian asked, he was having mentally confusion, also the story of his own father interest him so much, that he just wants every truth from the past, "That's what I am telling, Zhan was so much in love that he wanted Yibo all to himself and You know that he was already married and also had a child", she answered

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