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The Florida air swirled around me as I stepped off my jet's stairs, onto the runway and towards the waiting car.

"You know one time in Florida, I met this guy and we ended up staging an entire protest about how people treated certain types of Amazon frogs wrong. I don't really remember much about what when down that weekend but I do remember I tried this new drug and it was like we were.." Lila was rambling on about one of her many stories, which usually I found interesting but today I was preoccupied and nervous, so I couldn't pay attention.

"You're thinking about it again." Lila snapped me out of my trance.

"Thinking about what?" I asked her, pretending to not know what she was talking about, but I did. And another memory flashed in the back of my mind.

"No one would ever want to have sex with her, they'd probably be better off having sex with a semi truck." The group of guys laughed at the 'joke' Christopher had told them.

"They would die from the weight of both, regardless." Another guy chimed in. I tried to make myself disappear as I walked faster past them but my chubby legs could only go so fast.

"Hey Bean Bag!" Christopher had taken to calling me that this week instead of pig. Neither were very appealing but I went with it.

"Yes, Christopher?" I turned around to face him with a sullen look on my face. Something flashed in his eyes for a millisecond and then he went back to his original taunting expression.

"I feel bad for you, not even the ugliest man in the world want to have sex with a mound of lard like you."

I focused back in on the present, that was my absolute favorite line from him. The worst, most horrible thing he had ever said to me, that had been it. It always propelled me to go the gym, and had always been at the back of the mind whenever I even got close to sleeping with someone. So I never did.

"It's not true you know." Lila said.

"I know, I just every time I think about that I think about the other memory, the mean one." I sighed.

"How about this? Let's not think about either and drink something!" She beamed at me.

"I am drinking something." I held up my protein shake and smiled sarcastically at her.

"That's not what I meant." She rolled her eyes and snatched the drink from me, replacing it with a mini wine cooler from the fridge.

"You know Lila," I drank some wine, "If he said such mean things back then why would he say what he said on Saturday to me then?"

"Because he wants to get into your pants, because your a beautiful woman, and because he doesn't recognize you therefore he doesn't remember what he said about you. To him, your just another beautiful woman, but this time you're hard to get. That's why we have this whole plan, so finally you can get that revenge for all the flashbacks you keep having." She reminded me.

His eyes turned dark and he was out of the bed gripping my hips against him in seconds, the air knocking out of me from being caught off guard. "No."

"I thought no wasn't in your vocabulary, Mr. Rodgers?" I smirked, pushing away from him.

"Never bring up another man in front of me, never even insinuate that you would have went home with another man where you would have done things I refuse to ever speak about." He growls.

"Oh don't act like your attracted to me Mr. Rodgers." I spit, remembering what he had said all those years back.

"Oh Rose, I can show you just how attracted I am to you right here right now. I could ravage you on the dresser, on the sink, in the kitchen, in the tub. All in a couple hours span. And then I would take my time, bringing you to my bed and laying you down, exploring you. Each and every inch of you." His voice was low and it caused a shiver to go down my spine, not because I was turned on but because he was lying to me. He would never do anything of those things to me , no man could because they would be disgusted by me.

His exact words.

"You're right." I pushed the memory of the words he had said to me on Saturday to the farthest corner of my mind.

"Aren't I always?" She smirked, downing the rest of the wine and leaning back against her seat.


"Okay I have to visit this movie theater here to check up because I haven't been since the opening last year, and this one is opening tonight, and then tomorrow I need to go look at the work site for that one." I pointed out each site to Lila on a map of Orlando and she nodded along.

"So you're telling me, we can't go drinking until tomorrow night?" She whined after I finished.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." I laughed.

She started to respond but her phone buzzed with a text and we both looked down at the person, and she snatched it off the table just as I had gotten a glance of the texter.

"Leo?" I raised my eyebrow.

Her pale skin flushed red and she looked down at the text, a smile formed on her face and she typed back, slipping it into her sports bra, underneath her shirt.

"What can I say? It was good sex! Kill me." She shrugged and I shook my head at her, as my own phone buzzed on the table.

"Christopher?" She mocked my look and I stuck my tongue out at her.

Open your door.

I walked towards my office door slowly and opened it a crack, a trail of rose petals led from the door down the hallway, so I opened the door wider and Lila followed me down the hallway. At the end of the trail stood Christopher, holding a bouquet of roses and next to him Leo holding an assortment of chocolate.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked as a small intake of air came from behind me. I was staring at Christopher and Leo walked behind me to hand the chocolates to Lila, but before Christopher could respond a furious Lila stomped on the chocolate box behind us and pushed Leo.

'We are not going to be anything. We had sex. That's it, so don't be weird and show up places with big boxes of chocolate acting like a boyfriend!" She screeched, turning on her heel and stomping towards the office.

"I thought she would like them." Leo said after the door slammed, scratching his neck.

"We didn't even have sex and this one shows up with roses for no reason, so you had more of a reason then him." I said reassuringly.

"I brought them because I wanted to surprise you." He said, handing them over but I took a step back. "Don't be ungrateful Rose, I brought you roses. Do you get the meaning?" I stepped back as he walked closer.

"Christopher get away from me with those please." I said, my back hitting the wall.

"Smell them, they were expensive you ungrateful woman." He growls.

"I'm allergic!" I yelled as he sticks them right under my nose.

"You're what?" He says yanking them back. But it was too late, my throat was starting to swell and my face and arms were starting to puff up.

"Epi." I muttered as I clutched my throat, Lila's screams were heard in the back as she ran towards us.

"What did you do!" I heard her scream then watched as she shoved Christopher, pulling out her phone to dial an ambulance. My eyes swelled shut and I was met with darkness and frantic voices.

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