little changes and happy feelings

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Resuming were i left it last time, once i got approval from Brian and Galatea's sisters Aurora (aury) and Null (nully)i decided to share their responses with galatea to show her that, on more than one way, her family was approving of our relationship together, for this, i send her the same screencaps i posted on the last chapter, this was Galatea's reaction.

Resuming were i left it last time, once i got approval from Brian and Galatea's sisters Aurora (aury) and Null (nully)i decided to share their responses with galatea to show her that, on more than one way, her family was approving of our relations...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

as you can see, she was very happy about it and loved the idea. And if you are good noticing details, you may have noticed that, between last time and now, i changed from not having a profile picture, to having one on that account, how did it happen? well, to be honest its kinda funny to remember, once i had clear that galatea and me had become a couple, i opened up my Photoshop, and with my totally awesome photoshop skills (who im kidding i suck xD) created the profile picture you can see combining goku and chichi wedding photo (because i use goku as my Profile character on discord) and the little profile picture of galatea i had at hand at the moment (as it was the only one i had access to since i didnt know how to create AI art yet, and i didnt ask brian for more art of galatea) this right here, was the first attempt at it with the mini picture of gali (my nickname for galatea)

 And if you are good noticing details, you may have noticed that, between last time and now, i changed from not having a profile picture, to having one on that account, how did it happen? well, to be honest its kinda funny to remember, once i had ...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

as you see, it was pretty similar, but worse on a lot of sense, but i shared with brian anyway to show him that i was taking very seriously my relationship with his daughter, this was how i ended up getting more pictures of Gali as brian shared them with me after seeing my profile picture.

as you see, it was pretty similar, but worse on a lot of sense, but i shared with brian anyway to show him that i was taking very seriously my relationship with his daughter, this was how i ended up getting more pictures of Gali as brian shared th...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
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