Chapter 1

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        The sound of endless laughter and noise droned on in my brain as I snapped back to reality. Looking to my right, I see a classmate vigorously explaining something. As I pay attention for a second, I quickly remember them seeking advice from me for their girlfriend. I shake my head and face back to my computer screen, reading over the email I had received about an hour ago. It was different from the normal emails I usually got, this one with more eloquence, something everyone in this school definitely lacked. I scroll down to see the signature..."Hope's Peak Academy".
The name seemed familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. The bell had a jarring ring, shaking me out of my trance of thought. I close the computer, deciding to read it later.
        The day's end came quicker than usual. Most days I would be half asleep, trying to pretend I cared about whatever the teacher was lecturing about. Not that I was any slacker, of course. Most of the time I simply read over the lesson at home and studied on my own time. Something about high school's environment was so...boring. It was all so boring. The repetitive bells, the same mundane atmosphere I experienced in each class, the same people ranting about the same topics. It was all predictable, and I hated every moment of it.
Yet today was quick. It seemed to blur by, and I wonder what was so different. Though something felt off, I couldn't figure it out.              About ten minutes into the walk home, I look    around to realize I was in front of the tea shop.    Which, coincidentally, was the opposite   direction from my school to my house. Smiling,       I sigh at myself. What was wrong with me today? I decide to head in, the store manager greeting me like usual.
         "Hey, LaLa! Been a while...we were starting to think you had locked yourself in your room again! Ben was so worried he was gonna go all the way to your house just to drop you a get well soon drink."
            Ben glared, "That was your idea dad..."
          "Right, right of course!..."
          I sit down smiling, realizing how exhausted I must have been. "Could I just get a drink? Anything, I'm too tired to think"
           Ben grinned and after a bit, handed a green tea with lychee. "Your favorite~"
            I took the drink, taking a sip and sighing with relief. "Seriously, I should come here more often."
            Ben sat down across from me and stared at me, clearly annoyed. "You say that    everytime, then disappear for a month or so.    Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if you lead a second double life or something."
            I laugh, the thought absolutely hilarious to me. Someone with such a boring, pathetic life, having something that cool? Absolutely not.
             The bell at the door chimed, signaling that someone else had entered the tiny store.
             "Welcome in, what can I get started-" the old man's jaw dropped, and he scrambled to the back of the counter to get the person's order. Confused, I turn to the door to see two people.
              By the door are two people, seemingly complete opposites. One was a pretty girl, blonde straight long hair in a cute little green dress. There was a black headband in her hair, and a big red bow in the middle of her dress. She seemed to bring out this aura of kindness and authority. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if the gods themselves were behind her, smiling at her very presence. The guy next to her, on the other hand, was the very definition of average. He had messy white hair and an outfit that seemed like it had been bought at Dollar Tree. He had a white top with a green coat on top. The only thing that kept me from feeling extremely creeped out by him was his smile. Bright and warm, but also seemed a little...strange? He looked like the product of many different ideas stuffed together, trying to make sense of themselves and fit into society.
              Ben stood up to face them, an obvious forced smile on his face as he talked through his teeth, "Why hello there! How may I help you?" The two smiled at him and the guy was about to respond when the old man ran in between the two and took his hand, shaking it aggressively.
             "Wow, I can't believe the students of Hope's Peak Academy are here, at my shop! Can I- can I take a photo? You know, to boost the shop's sales! I'll get you any drink, on the house!"
             The pretty girl put her hands up in denial, "No, sir we simply couldn't! We are more than happy to pay for our drinks, aren't we Nagito?"
             The guy named Nagito nodded, continuing, "Of course, but please let me pay for the both of us. It wouldn't make sense for a nobody like me to let you pay for yourself!"
They both started to bicker, well more Nagito patiently defending himself as the pretty girl insistently made her point.
              I stand up, the peace and quiet I liked about this shop now rowdy due to two individuals. "Look, how about I pay for both of you?"
              The pretty girl put a hand on her chest as she faced me. "No, we can't do something like that either! How would we pay you back?"
I sigh, annoyed, "You can pay me back by not being so loud, there are others in this shop you know."
            The pretty girl lets out a little gasp as she looks around the shop to the few people simply minding their own business. To be honest, I was pretty sure that I was the only one who felt disturbed.
             Nagito speaks up again, "Sonia, I understand you want to pay, but I want to do something for my classmate! I'm just so useless, I want to be able to support you in your journey to spread hope somehow!" (to anyone reading this, I love fanon nagito hahahahahaha the power I have)
          Sonia sighs and nods, "I'll get a coconut paradise refresher! With extra boba please!"
           Nagito smiles, "I'll just about whatever's easiest to make. I don't want to burden you with making a complicated drink all for a nobody like me. The regular Thai Tea looks easy enough. And... don't worry about any toppings."
           As I inspected the two and their...interesting behavior, I noticed a gleaming pin on both of their outfits. I moved my head to the side to see what was on it, and my eyes widened.
           Hope's Peak Academy..?


This is my first fanfiction ever, I'm probably gonna regret doing this and might give up lol, we shall see. If you have any ideas for what to do, let me know in the comments! I might just use them :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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