𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢

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I woke up by knocking on my door. I slowly pushed myself off the bed and head to open.

I saw Marc standing there with two coffees in his hands. I smiled and took it.

"Good morning Vicky! Team breakfast is in 10 minutes, come on get ready!" He said and i chuckle.
"Okay boss, come inside. You don't need to stay out." I said and let him get in.

I went to the bathroom to change and to brush my teeth. Marc was patiently waiting for me sitting on the edge of the bed, drinking his coffee.

"I'm ready." I said as i got out of the bathroom.
"Good, come on." He smiled and i nod.

We took the elevator and got downstairs to the lobby and then to the hotel restaurant.

I sat between Ben and Marc as we ordered our food.

I texted Charles about everything that happened so far, i promised to update everything.

I put my phone in my pocket because it was impolite to look at it on a team breakfast.

Everyone were chatting away in spanish and i felt little zoned out, no one talked french so i didn't know what to talk about and with who.

I just sat there and ate my food silently.

"Are you okay? You're quiet." Marc asked me.
"Oh, yeah. Just everyone are talking in spanish and I don't know what to say.." i smiled shyly.
"Then you can teach me some french so we can talk." He smiled and i nod hopefully.
"If you want to."
"As long as you're not silent on the breakfasts yes." He laughed and i chuckled.
"Thank you, honestly." I smiled.

We left for the track again, i was with Marc in his car with our race engineers.

We were Infront and they were in the back. Marc had putted my favourite song up, he didn't know it was my favourite but i was great to hear some french again.

I missed it. It reminded me of home. God i miss Monaco.

"You like that song?" Ben asked me, i was slightly vibing on it.
"Yeah, it's my favourite one actually." I smiled.
"I like it, even i don't understand anything." Marc said and i smiled.

We arrived at the track and Marc left to do some math with his race engineer. Me and Ben had sat in his garage and waited for him to get on the bike so we can watch him.

"How you feel about next weekend?" Ben broke the silence.
"A little bit nervous. But exited. My brothers will come to watch me." I smiled.
"That's amazing Vicky, you probably miss them."
"I do, but I'm achieving my dream just as they do." I explained.
"You're gonna be amazing I'm sure." He patted my back.
"Thanks Ben."

Marc entered his garage, we shared a look before he putted his helmet on and got on the bike.

My whole body tensed up when he got on the track. Now i feel the nervousness in his body language when i was on the track.

It looks so damn scary from that close.

I hoped he will have a good race and he'll be safe.

I was holding my breath when he was battling with someone.

"He's doing amazing." I smiled and Ben nod.
"Yeah, but he's a little bit slower than his expected times."
"I think he's doing good. As long as he's fine." I mumbled.


"Oh my god! Is he okay?" I looked scared at Ben.
"I think so." He looked at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

My body began to shake and i was hardly controling my tears. I didn't looked at the screen since i saw Marc sliding through the track and hitting his body against the wall.

"He's okay, Vicky. Calm down." Ben squeezed my shoulder.
"He scared the shit out of me." I exhaled and relax.

Not long after Marc came back, he was hardly walking so i ran to him, i wanted to help me like he did yesterday.

"Hey, are you okay? Where it hurts?" I asked him as he held my arm for support.
"My back, fuck." He moved slightly and groaned in pain.
"Let me help you." I said and helped him take off his suit. I let it fall on his hips as i took a look at his back.

There was a big wound and it was bruised.

"Fuck. This shit hurts." He groaned again as i smiled.
"Let the doctor check it. There's some blood and it's pretty bruised." He nod and smiled.

I helped him sit on the chair as the doctor came to check him. He was squeezing my arm every time he feels pain. Which was practically every few seconds.

"I'm sorry for squeezing you that hard." He apologized and i smiled.
"No need to apologize, I know it hurts." He forced a smile and and stroked his hand gently.

After 20 minutes of fixing his wound,
and taking painkillers, Marc was calmer.

He had his head leaned against my shoulder, because he can lean on his back now.

"You feel better now?" I asked him and he looked up at me nodding.
"Yes, thank you." He nodded few times.

We left the track because we needed to fly to France.

People think i feel it as my home race.. Practically yes but don't tell Charles that.

He always tells me that we are Monegasque but for me, i love France and it's practically where I'm born so I'll take it as a home Grand Prix.

We were in the plane with the whole team, me and Marc were sitting next to eachother as our race engineers were Infront of us discussing strategy with us.

"Marc, which set up you want? And which plan?" His engineer asked him going through his notes again.
"Set up sleep and plan sleep." He yawn and rested his head on my shoulder.
"I agree. Come on take some rest."
"It's easy for you two, at the start of the weekend you two won't like the set ups because you didn't tell which one." Ben scoffed.
"Okay, at lest let Marc sleep." I laugh and took Ben's notebook.

I took a look through everything and choose a plan and set up.

Marc was gently sleeping on my shoulder as i was looking through my phone and answered all of Charles's spam texts.

"So tell me everything!"
"It's okay, Marc had a crash, he's sleeping now."
"Did you two get along good?"
"Absolutely, he's amazing. I don't know why people think he's bad asshole. He's so nice."
"I'm glad Vicky, see you soon."
"See you."

I put my phone on the table Infront of us as i rested my head on Marc's one and fall asleep.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌Where stories live. Discover now