secret pt1

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i wake up the next morning to a knock at my door so i get up and go downstairs. When i open the door i see Harry with an umbrella as it's raining "hi" he says "hi" i say back "can i come in" harry asks "sure" i reply moving so he can come into the house. We walk upstairs and he sits down on my bed "so about the kiss" he says scratching the back of his neck "oh do you... regret it" i say nervously "no god no of course not" he quickly says "oh ok" i say "actually it's the opposite i was wondering if... you, i don't know, want to go out sometime to a movie or something" harry asks "of course! i mean yeah sure" i say, harry laughs "ok good" he says "do you want to go downstairs to get a drink or something" i ask him "yeah please" he replies and as we're going out the door he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and i feel my cheeks get hot and we continue our way into the kitchen and we see my mum in the kitchen "oh morning mum" i say as i stand in front of mine and Harry's hands "morning Ana- oh hello harry i didn't know you were here" she says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me "yeah i just came over to hang out with Ana" harry replies "oh ok well what did you guys need" my mum asks "oh i was just grabbing us some drinks and maybe some sweets" i reply "ok that's fine" she says and i grab the food and drinks and we go up into my room. most of the day is filled with me and harry talking messing around and watching movies. As I'm walking harry to the door i see nick come back soaked "where were you?" i ask him "i was with-" he cuts himself off when he sees harry with me then he looks down at our intertwined hands "what's he doing here and when did that happen" nick ask motioning to our hands "oh he just came around to hang out and nothings happened nick, plus harry was just leaving now" i say as we walk towards the door "ok well ill be up in my room" nick says slowly walking upstairs, i continue walking harry to the door "well when did you want to go out" i ask harry blushing lightly "well i was thinking next Saturday" he says nervously scratching the back of his neck which I've noticed he does whenever he's nervous or flustered which in my opinion is quite cute "yes next Saturday is great" i reply "great well ill text you the time were going at and what movies we can go see" harry rambles "perfect" i say and open the door for him and as he goes to leave he turns arund and gives me a soft kiss on the lips "ok bye" he says as he leaves and im stood in the door shocked but also happy about what happened.

the next day i get up and start getting ready for school and my stomach flips knowing i'm going to see harry today. i decide to do something nice with my hair today and decide to do a bit more makeup then normal

 i decide to do something nice with my hair today and decide to do a bit more makeup then normal

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then after throwing on my uniform and getting breakfast we leave.
as usual we stop outside of Truham and i go over to harry while nick talks to imogen."hey" i say walking over to where i see harry on his phone "oh hey stas" harry says smiling at me as he turns off his phone "so we still on for saturday" he asks "yes of course we are i can't wait" i reply harry nods "yeah me either" he says putting his arm around my shoulder and at this point it's become a normal thing for us. My cheeks turn red when he does this but instead of pushing him away like i normally would i just put my head on his shoulder and watch his phone with him before i have to go into Higgs.
In class i'm sat next to Elle when we see Darcy come in and sit beside tara. Tara then kisses Darcy, and i have a little proud mother moment as i'm happy for both of them, "oh hi" Darcy say's surprised by the sudden affection "hi" tara replies
"is this how it's gonna be now, are we officially the third wheels" Elle jokingly says "no" tara replies lightly laughing "we're just finally taking the opportunity to kiss as much as possible" Darcy says "no we're not" tara laughs and then she goes and ask Darcy about her work and Elle turns to me "don't think your off the hooks miss" Elle says while pointing her finger at me "i don't know what you mean" i say blushing and looking away "well a little birdie told me that you had a kiss off the one and only Harry Greene" she exclaims "shush you" i say while putting my hand over her mouth "yes ok i did kiss Harry Greene" i say while removing my hand and blushing "but i thought you hated him" Elle asks "so did i but he's been really nice lately and i guess i just realised how much of my hate was actually just me liking him" i say to her while putting my head down because my thoughts are running at 100 miles per hour "oh sweetie it's ok to like him" Elle says comfortingly "but what if he hasn't actually changed and he's still the person who bullied char" i say and i get this is a big mood swing from how i was feeling but i guess it's all just after hitting me like what if Harry isn't different i mean people can't just change can they. i guess i just have to hope "i'm sure that he's changed but if he hasn't i know you would make sure to give him an earful if he tries something like last year" Elle explains and hugs me "i love you Elle" i say which is muffled by her shoulder "oh i love you too hun" Elle replies

AN: so so sorry for the slow reply i have school (which is killing me) so i haven't had much time to write but hope you like this chapter and have a great day (also i love elle and anastasias friendship)

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