Movie Night | Fluff

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(Requested by @mgmendez2305)

You sigh as you rub your temples, groaning at the ridiculous amount of piled-up paperwork that you have going on right now. You snap out of your temporary procrastination, before picking up the pen and beginning to resume with the work.

Hours pass as your eyes skim over the unnecessary amount of words that are written on these papers. A lot of this could be summarized into two sentences, but are stretched into several paragraphs.

Finally, your work day was coming to a close. You had gotten through a little more than half of the paperwork, but the rest you figured you'd finish it next week, seeing as today was a Friday. You pushed yourself out of your seat and stretched, before picking up your phone and car keys and scurrying out of the office as quickly as humanly possible.

You jump into your blue Jeep and drive back home, where a nice, hot meal is waiting for you. Or some leftovers. Both sounded equally divine.

You pull up to your driveway and quickly make your way into the house, straight into the kitchen. Like clockwork, your husband turned around with a plate of freshly prepared food in his hands, and a warm smile to top it off.

"Welcome home, hun," Miguel said as he set the plate in front of the seat that you always sat in.

You take a seat, looking up at Miguel. "Hello, handsome. Missed seeing your face." You grin, before digging into your Alfredo pasta.

Miguel watched you eat a few bites, before giving you a disappointed look with a quick 'tsk, tsk, tsk'.

You look up with furrowed brows, your voice muffled as you try to speak with a mouthful, "What?"

Miguel shook his head and hugged in amusement, "You have the table manners of a slug."

You wave him off as you scarf down the last of your food, then grab a napkin and wipe your mouth clean. Miguel's cooking always seemed to lift your spirits, even on the worst of days. You stand up and grab your plate alone with you, placing it in the sink for now. You'd bother yourself to clean it tomorrow. Maybe.

You turn around to face Miguel, a soft yet tired smile naturally coming across your lips. You lean forward and give Miguel a quick peck on the lips, a grateful one.

"You look tired," Miguel pointed out with a hint of concern. "I think you should rest up."

You nod in silent agreement, before wrapping your arms around the big hunk of a man, holding his close and dear, the side of your face pressed into his chest. He embraced you back, making it all the more comfortable to remain in his protective arms. Everything seemed perfect. Nothing could ever go wrong.

Miguel eventually pulled back, making you pout as the warmth of his body was also retracted. Miguel simply chuckled as he took your hand and led you up the stairs, to the bedroom. He ushered you into the bathroom so you could clean up, and so you did.

You took a quick shower and brushed your teeth, then dried off and put on plain black boxers. That's the only thing you have the energy to put on. You emerge from the bathroom to be met with Miguel already lying in bed, reading a book.

You go over and lay beside him, slowly inching closer and snuggling up to him. You let out a relieved sigh as you finally went into a comfortable position where your head was resting on his chest, your body pressed flush against his side, and your arm wrapped around you.

Everything was silent, and it felt like the Earth had stopped spinning on its axis, time stopped. This moment was everything to you. You might've been dating Miguel for 4 years, and married for 2, but all this time still didn't reduce your feelings towards this man. Not one bit. Every time he held you close, whispered an 'I love you,' or even gave you a little kiss, you could feel your stomach let off butterflies. No matter how many times it happened, it always felt like the first.

"How about we watch a movie?" Miguel suggested in a soothing whisper, but it felt like his voice boomed through your thoughts.

You almost jolt out of your thinking state and snap back to reality. "A movie sounds nice, yeah." You agree, as you open up your tired eyes and stare at the blank TV that was hung on the wall directly in front of the bed.

Miguel reached for the remote and turned the TV on, opening up Netflix. He scrolled through the movies for a couple of minutes before something caught his eye.

"That one, right there," you point. "No, no, go up and then to the right."

The movie was titled 'Make Me Believe' and it seemed like a genuinely sweet romance. The pair of you watched the movie for another half an hour before you felt your eyes screw shut on their own. Soon, light snoring overcame the room, and Miguel chuckled to himself, making sure not to wake you in the process.

The turned the television off and and settled into the pillows behind him, dozing off as well.

• • •

The next day, you wake up to a deep groan beside you. You open your eyes, although reluctantly, and are immediately blinded by the lights flashing through the curtains. You groan too, covering your throbbing eyes.

"We need to get light-stopping curtains. This is ridiculous," you complain.

He did a sound of agreement, and then you could hear his shift beside you, "Yeah."

• • •

A/N: last part was unnecessary but i still thought it was cute! anyways, short chapter as i didnt have many ideas, but hoped you enjoyed <33 p.s. i used grammarly to proofread this ☠️
— your fav author, xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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